Beijing Shunxin Agriculture Co Ltd
000860:CH CNE000000XH3
Key Information
Market Cap:
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Company Information
Company Summary
Beijing Shunxin Agriculture is a Chinese company principally engaged in the production, processing and distribution of distilled liquor and meat (hogs). It integrates hog breeding, raising, slaughtering, meat processing and cold chain distribution. With a complete industrial chain of meat processing and an annual slaughter capacity of three million hogs, Shunxin has the largest single-factory slaughter volume in China.Revenue
Total revenue:
Revenue by Geography
Revenue by Protein
Revenue by Product Type
CDP ScoresLast Reviewed: 11/10/2023
CDP Climate | CDP Forests | CDP Water |
No | No | No |
Science Based Target initiativeLast Reviewed: 03/10/2023
Target classification | Status | Date |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
This company is no longer assessed by the Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index.
Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index
Analysis Overview
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Deforestation & Biodiversity Water Use & Scarcity Waste & Pollution Antibiotics Animal Welfare Working Conditions Food Safety Sustainability Governance Alternative Proteins
Analysis Breakdown
Risk Score
High Risk
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Scope 1, 2 & 3 Target
Type of Target
The company has not set an emissions reduction target.
Strength of Target - Non-SBT
Despite highlighting the importance of energy efficiency, the company has not set an actual quantitative target for energy-saving or emission reduction.
Strength of Target - SBT
Innovation on GHG Emission Reduction
Innovation to Reduce Agriculture Emissions
The company does not discuss working with suppliers to reduce emissions from agriculture.
Feed Farming Innovation
The company does not disclose innovations to reduce emissions from feed farming.
Animal Farming Innovation
The company does not disclose innovations to reduce emissions from animal farming.
Quality of GHG Inventory
Quality and scope of GHG inventory Completeness
The company provides some reporting on energy consumption based on the "standard coal" measurement which is commonly used in China. However, it does not disclose emissions by scope.
Feed & Animal Farming Emissions
The company does not disclose emissions from animal farming or feed production.
Transparency of GHG Inventory
The company does not disclose information on climate to the CDP, nor does it disclose if its data is audited by a third party.
Emissions Performance
Overall Emission Performance
The company does not disclose information on its total emissions performance, neither quantitatively nor qualitatively. The company does not disclose a quantitive decrease in emissions arising from feed or enteric fermentation or manure management.
Climate-related Scenario Analysis
Climate-related Scenarios Analysis Conducted
The company does not disclose information on a climate-related scenario analysis.
Disclosure of Analysis Results on Material Risks
Disclosure of Financial Material Events & Alignment of CAPEX
The company has not committed to aligning its CAPEX with its GHG targets.
Deforestation & Biodiversity
Deforestation/Conversion-free Target - Soy for Animal Feed
Risk Assessment to Identify High-risk Locations
The company does not discuss anything about the feed it procures so it is not clear if the company sources soy. However, it remains assessed on this KPI as it does not explicitly disclose that it does not source soy for animal feed. China is increasingly importing soy from Brazil and Argentina where deforestation/conversion risks linked to soy are high. The company does not disclose information related to how it manages deforestation risks in its supply chain.
Strength of Deforestation Commitment
The company has not committed to sourcing deforestation-free soy.
Regional & Operational Coverage of Commitment
Transparency - Progress Against Commitment
Engagement, Monitoring & Traceability - Soy for Animal Feed
Supplier Engagement
The company does not disclose information related to how it engages suppliers on deforestation risks linked to soy.
Compliance monitoring & Traceability
It does not disclose whether it monitors its suppliers on deforestation and the extent to which it has traceability of soy sourced.
Feed Innovation
Water Use & Scarcity
Water Use & Scarcity in Facilities
Monitoring Water Consumption & Withdrawals
The company does not disclose information relating to water scarcity risks in slaughtering, processing and packaging facilities.
Target to Reduce Water Consumption & Withdrawals
Disclosure & Performance of Water Risks in Facilities
Water Use & Scarcity in Feed Farming
Supplier Engagement in Water Use in Feed Farming
The company does not disclose information relating to water scarcity risks in feed farming.
Disclosure of Water Risks in Feed Farming
Water Use & Scarcity in Animal Farming
Supplier Engagement in Water Use in Animal Farming
The company does not disclose information relating to water scarcity risks in animal farming.
Disclosure of Water Risks in Animal Farming
Waste & Pollution
Wastewater at Facilities
Disclosure & Targets for Wastewater Quality & Volume Discharged
The company states that it has met discharge standards. Therefore, it is assumed that there were no incidents of wastewater discharge non-conformances. The company has not conducted an analysis to identify its processing facilities operating in water-stressed areas. The company has not set quality or volume targets.
Transparency on Water Pollution Risks
The company discloses the amount of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen in the wastewater.
Performance on Wastewater Quality & Volume Discharged
Nutrient Management in Feed Farming
Supplier Engagement in Nutrient Pollution Risks
The company does not disclose information relating to nutrient management in feed farming.
Innovation to Improve Nutrient Management in Feed Farming
Manure Management in Animal Farming
Disclosure of Pollution Risks from Manure
The company discusses the utilization system treatment process of livestock and poultry waste: solid-liquid separation of manure, manure water-biogas fermentation, treatment-biogas liquid return to the field, biogas utilization, livestock and poultry manure accumulation and fermentation to produce organic fertilizer and return to the field for utilization. The company does not conduct risk assessments to identify locations that are at high-risk of or especially susceptible to nutrient pollution.
Supplier Engagement in Manure Management
Innovation to Improve Nutrient Management in Animal Farming
The company does not disclose any efforts to engage local communities.
Policy on Antibiotics Use
Policy on Antibiotics Use
The company does not have any publicly disclosed antibiotics policy in place, and does not disclose any measures taken to reduce the demand for or usage of antibiotics in it's operations.
Disclosure of Quantity of Antibiotics Used
Disclosure of Quantity of Antibiotics Used
The company does not disclose the quantity of antibiotics used in the reporting period in any capacity, nor does it disclose it's reasons for the use of antibiotics during the reporting year.
Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare Policy
Welfare Policy
The company is a registered signatory to the Chinese organisation, the "International Cooperation Committee for Animal Welfare". The ICCAW publishes animal welfare standards for several animal protein species, but it's unclear whether these standards are mandatory for all signatories, and therefore it cannot be considered as evidence of the company's policy. When taking into account the lack of any statement on animal welfare made by the company, it's unlikely that these standards are adhered to. It does not discuss employee training and measures taken if animal welfare is breached and does not disclose investing in research and development for animal welfare.
Key Welfare Issues
The company does not disclose commitments to restrict mutilation, limit transportation, humane slaughter, environmental enrichment and higher welfare breeds.
Assurance & Certification
Auditing & Assurance by an Animal Welfare Organisation
The company does not disclose whether there is third-party auditing, monitoring or assuring animal welfare.
Public Reporting on Welfare
The company does not report on welfare metrics.
Performance on Key Material Risks
Performance on Key Material Welfare Risks by Protein
Pork: The company does not disclose prohibiting gestation crates, routine tail docking and surgical castration.
Working Conditions
Human Rights
Strength of Policy
There is a section in the company's CSR report 'Employee's rights protection', however, it does not disclose information relating to a human rights policy or a human rights due diligence process.
Due Diligence Process
The company does not disclose how it assesses actual and potential human rights risks.
Evidence of Remediation
The company does not disclose any information on how it mitigates risk and remediates people and/or communities.
Fair Working Conditions
Policy for Direct Operations
The company does not explicitly state that it prohibits discrimination in its direct operations. Also, it does not disclose information related to the company's policies on freely chosen employment, prohibiting child labour, and prohibiting abuse, including how compliance is monitored. The company does not include fair working conditions in its supplier policy. The company does not disclose whether it provides sick pay to its workers.
Monitoring & Discosure
The company does not disclose having a grievance mechanism in place.
Safety & Turnover Data
Disclosure of safety and turnover data
The company provides a discussion on its occupational health and safety management system. It does not disclose if it has certification on health and safety. The company does not disclose the proportion of sites which have a health and safety committee comprised of worker representatives. The company does not discuss antimicrobial resistance risk to workers.
Committee representation of workers
The company discloses that there were zero accidents with serious injuries or worse in 2021. Minor injuries were less than 5%. The company disclosed 0 injuries in the previous reporting year and discloses that the minor injury rate is decreasing each year. The company also reports zero deaths in the reporting year. In the previous reporting year as well, the company had zero fatalities. The company does not report turnover data.
Freedom of Association
Strength of Policies
The company does not provide a basic statement on the right to freedom of association and does not disclose the unionisation rate of its workforce. The company does not provide a description of measures taken to support rights. The company's supplier code of conduct does not include a requirement/expectation to set a policy on freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Metrics
The company does not disclose the percentage or the number of workers covered by collective bargaining agreements and does not disclose that bargaining agreements cover all workers regardless of contract type. The company does not disclose the distribution of its workforce across existing contractual agreements.
Food Safety
Food Safety System
The company discusses food safety to be of high importance for the company. The company adheres to the concept of "food safety first responsibility", and has established a sound product quality normalization supervision and inspection mechanism. The company does not disclose that supplies are expected to have GFSI certification and does not disclose the porportion of suppliers certified with GFSI certification.
The company mentions that in 2021, it commissioned a third-party food testing agency to conduct sampling inspections on the products produced and operated by Niulanshan Winery and Pengcheng Foods. A total of 20 samples were sampled, and the test results were all qualified.
Product Recalls & Market Bans
Product Recall Systems
The company states that it has a product recall system but does not provide its description. The company discloses there were zero food safety incidents in the reporting year. It can be assumed there were therefore no market recalls.
The same can be assumed for market bans.
Sustainability Governance
Assessment of a Company's Sustainability Governance
Board Sustainability
The company does not disclose whether the board of directors is mandated to oversee sustainability issues. The company conducts a materiality analysis, evaluates two dimensions - "importance to the company" and "importance to stakeholders", clarifies the key disclosure contents of the report, and builds a matrix of material issues based on this. However, board involvement is not clear. The company does not disclose having a board member with expertise in sustainability, food safety, product development, or innovation.
Incentives & Policy Engagement
The company does not disclose whether it engages with public officials or trade and civil associations on ESG issues. It does not disclose whether it has set executive monetary remunerations linked with sustainability performance.
Innovation & Benchmarking
The company aims to drive technological innovation, attaches great importance to technological research and development, and forms a research and development system supported by national liquor laboratories, and national core breeding pig. In 2021, the company will continue to be oriented by market demand and continuously increase research and development and innovation. The company also mentions that in 2021, it will focus on product research and development and brand upgrade in order to meet the diversified and personalized consumption needs of consumers. However, the areas of innovation mentioned do not link to sustainability such as diversifying product portfolio, packaging, food safety and traceability, next generation proteins, agtech, animal welfare, sustainable food production.
Alternative Proteins
Diversification of Products to Alternative Protein Sources
Existing product portfolio
The company does not indicate having an approach towards diversifying its product range to include plant-based and alternative proteins.
Investing for future growth
The company has not publicly acknowledged protein diversification as a material business issue.
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Workstream Information
2022 Risk Score:
High Risk
Main Protein:
Assessed Proteins:
Company Feedback Given:
Last Updated:
6 December 2022
2022 Resources
Best Practices from 2022 and Updates from the Protein Producer Index Webinar Index Asia Trends Report 2022/23 (Mandarin) Index Asia Trends Report 2022/23 (English) About the Index Trends Report Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index