Fujian Sunner Development Co Ltd
002299:CH CNE100000G78
Key Information
Market Cap:
Primary Market:
Company Information
Company Summary
Fujian Sunner is engaged in breeding, slaughtering, processing and selling chicken, primarily in China. It offers frozen chicken products for fast food and food manufacturing industries, meat wholesale markets and other markets.Revenue
Total revenue:
Revenue by Geography
Revenue by Protein
Revenue by Product Type
CDP ScoresLast Reviewed: 11/10/2023
CDP Climate | CDP Forests | CDP Water |
Yes | Yes | No |
Science Based Target initiativeLast Reviewed: 03/10/2023
Target classification | Status | Date |
Has not set SBT | - | - |
Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index
Analysis Overview
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Deforestation & Biodiversity Water Use & Scarcity Waste & Pollution Antibiotics Animal Welfare Working Conditions Food Safety Sustainability Governance Alternative Proteins
Analysis Breakdown
Risk Score
High Risk
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Scope 1, 2 & 3 Target
Type of Target
The company does not have a science-based emission reduction target.
Strength of Target - Non-SBT
The company does not disclose whether it has set targets to reduce GHG emissions from Scope 1 and 2. It is committed to saving energy and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. However, it provides no additional detail, including its CDP disclosure. It does not disclose whether it has set targets to reduce GHG emissions from Scope 3.
Innovation on GHG Emission Reduction
Innovation to Reduce Agriculture Emissions
The company does not discuss whether it is working with suppliers to reduce emissions from agriculture.
Feed Farming Innovation
The company discloses that the waste treatment factory transforms 20,000 tonnes of chicken feathers, intestines, blood, shells, oil and skeletons into 60,000 tonnes of recycled animal protein feed each year to reduce feed consumption. However, it does not disclose innovative methods to reduce or mitigate emissions from the remaining feed farming operations.
Animal Farming Innovation
The company discloses that it utilises chicken manure in the generation of bioenergy. However, it does not disclose any innovative projects to reduce or mitigate emissions directly from active animal farming.
Quality of GHG Inventory
Quality and scope of GHG inventory Completeness
The company discloses emissions for Scope 1 were 329579.178 metric tons of CO2e in the reporting year. However, it is unclear what emissions data this figure comprises. It intends to collect GHG emission data within the next two years.
Feed & Animal Farming Emissions
The company does not disclose any information on GHG emissions from animal farming. The company does not disclose any information on GHG emissions from feed production. The company does not disclose any information on GHG emissions from land use change.
Transparency of GHG Inventory
The company discloses information to CDP Climate Change 2022. It discloses that third-party verification is in process.
Emissions Performance
Overall Emission Performance
The company discloses emissions from Scope 1 increased from 132,000 metric tons of CO2e to 329579.178 metric tons of CO2e in 2022. However, it does not disclose Scope 2 and Scope 3 emission data. Consequently, a comparison is not possible.
Climate-related Scenario Analysis
Climate-related Scenarios Analysis Conducted
The company does not disclose information about undertaking any climate-related scenario analysis.
Disclosure of Analysis Results on Material Risks
The company states that the price of corn and soybean - used as primary raw materials - will be influenced by the weather and other uncontrollable factors. However, this is not specific to climate change. It understands that price volatility will affect the company's profitability to a certain extent. It discloses that it purchases large amounts of raw materials when the price is low and aims to maintain raw material purchase prices at a certain level throughout the year.
Disclosure of Financial Material Events & Alignment of CAPEX
The company discloses that it invested RMB 340 million to build the Guangze Shengxin power plant. It also has a joint-venture company with Sanxia Group to install the solar panel. However, it does not mention that the capital expenditure is aligned with GHG targets.
Deforestation & Biodiversity
Deforestation/Conversion-free Target - Soy for Animal Feed
Risk Assessment to Identify High-risk Locations
The company procures raw materials, including soybean meal for animal feed production. However, it does not disclose how it manages deforestation risks linked to soy. It sources soy from Brazil and Argentina - areas at risk of deforestation. However, the company does not disclose that 100% soy is sourced from deforestation-free suppliers. The company also reports that it plans to develop a system to control, monitor, or verify compliance with no conversion or deforestation commitments in the next two years. It discloses that it conducts forest-related risk assessments. However, the company does not identify high-risk locations.
Strength of Deforestation Commitment
The company mentioned in 2019 that it set a target to conduct a study and implement a plan to certify soybeans by RTRS in 2022. The company discloses it has achieved this target. However, no additional information is provided, and it is unclear if the company has implemented this plan post research.
Transparency - Progress Against Commitment
The company has disclosed information in the CDP Forests 2022 report.
Engagement, Monitoring & Traceability - Soy for Animal Feed
Supplier Engagement
The company does not reference deforestation in its supplier code of conduct. However, the company notes it will require suppliers to respond to the CDP Forest Questionnaire from 2020, to facilitate understanding of the supply chain's exposure to the risk of deforestation and improve traceability. It is unclear whether the company will require its soy suppliers to disclose to CDP. It isalso unclear what support it provides to its suppliers.
Compliance monitoring & Traceability
The company discloses that it has a traceability system for its soy supply chain. However, it also states that information relating to this is sensitive, and as such, does not disclose further information.
Feed Innovation
The company discloses that it focuses on the cost of feed while promoting the substitution of bulk raw materials and optimising feed formula to cope with price fluctuations of raw materials. It is unclear which raw materials may be substituted or if the aim is to promote biodiversity and/or soil health in feed farming.
Water Use & Scarcity
Water Use & Scarcity in Facilities
Monitoring Water Consumption & Withdrawals
The company does not disclose whether it conducts a risk assessment for its processing facilities or if it operates in areas of low water stress. It mentions water savings due to the management measures implemented in the slaughter process.
Target to Reduce Water Consumption & Withdrawals
The company has not set a time-bound water reduction target to reduce total water withdrawals at facilities in the reporting year.
Disclosure & Performance of Water Risks in Facilities
The company mentions that it has invested in building a wastewater treatment factory. It discloses the water-related CAPEX for owned wastewater treatment factories and facilities in the annual report. The company discloses the cost of water usage for some subsidiaries and the cost of wastewater treatment for subsidiaries in the annual report. It did not complete the CDP water questionnaire in 2022.
Water Use & Scarcity in Feed Farming
Supplier Engagement in Water Use in Feed Farming
The company does not disclose information relating to water scarcity risks in feed farming.
Disclosure of Water Risks in Feed Farming
The company does not disclose feed water intensity, or the proportion of feed sourced from water stresses areas. Further, the company does not provide evidence that it is investing in sustainable feed production from a water use perspective.
Water Use & Scarcity in Animal Farming
Supplier Engagement in Water Use in Animal Farming
The company does not disclose the proportion of animal protein commodities produced and/or sourced in water-stressed areas. It does not disclose information relating to water scarcity risks in animal farming.
Disclosure of Water Risks in Animal Farming
The company has not established partnerships with third parties to input into sourcing/farming strategy, including water use.
Waste & Pollution
Wastewater at Facilities
Disclosure & Targets for Wastewater Quality & Volume Discharged
The company discloses that all the subsidiaries meet the standard of wastewater and no penalties were issued in the reporting year.
Transparency on Water Pollution Risks
The company discloses wastewater quality metrics such as the pollutant discharge for various subsidiaries, including the amount of COD, ammonia, nitrogen, chemicals, oxygen content, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxidation objects, and particles. The data is only disclosed for five subsidiaries.
Performance on Wastewater Quality & Volume Discharged
The company discloses information about producing biogas and fertiliser from its wastewater. It is unclear from the current disclosure if the company's wastewater quality has improved at an aggregate level since the last reporting period.
Nutrient Management in Feed Farming
Supplier Engagement in Nutrient Pollution Risks
The company does not disclose information relating to nutrient management in feed farming. It discloses that it produces fertiliser to grow crops. However, it is unclear if these crops are part of the company's feed supply.
Innovation to Improve Nutrient Management in Feed Farming
The company does not invest in sustainable feed production to improve nutrient management or disclose information about pesticide use in its feed supply chain.
Manure Management in Animal Farming
Disclosure of Pollution Risks from Manure
The company converts manure into biogas and fertiliser. It states that it carries out environmental impact self-assessments on its sites to monitor pollution. However, it does not disclose the number of operations or farms that operate in areas at high risk from pollution.
Supplier Engagement in Manure Management
The company does not make site-specific nutrient management plans a part of its supplier's contractual agreement and/or own farms management. Nor does it provides technical and/or financial support to suppliers and/or own farms to develop nutrient management plans and improve manure storage.
Innovation to Improve Nutrient Management in Animal Farming
The company mentions that it will work with state-owned enterprises to invest in chicken manure treatment projects to transform manure into natural gas and organic fertiliser in the future, but does not discuss current innovations in manure.
Policy on Antibiotics Use
Policy on Antibiotics Use
The company does not discuss antibiotics.
Disclosure of Quantity of Antibiotics Used
Disclosure of Quantity of Antibiotics Used
The company does not disclose the quantity of antibiotics used.
Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare Policy
Welfare Policy
The company acknowledges the significance of animal welfare for food quality and sustainable agriculture. However, the extent of commitment to the Five Animal Freedoms is not specified.
Key Welfare Issues
The company does not state a commitment to engaging and training employees on animal welfare issues.
Assurance & Certification
Auditing & Assurance by an Animal Welfare Organisation
The company's broiler chicken operations hold certification from Humane Farm Animal Care. However, it does not disclose the specific number or proportion of certified operations. The company's "Better Chicken" project, conducted in collaboration with IKEA, was awarded the Broiler Chicken Animal Welfare Certification by Humane Farm Animal Care. However, the company does not disclose the extent of certified operations.
Public Reporting on Welfare
The company does not disclose information in relation to animal welfare certifications or assurance programs for its beef operations.
Performance on Key Material Risks
Performance on Key Material Welfare Risks by Protein
The company does not disclose or discuss key welfare risks.
Working Conditions
Human Rights
Strength of Policy
The company commits in writing to respect the laws and regulations of international human rights mentioned in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Due Diligence Process
The company does not discuss how it asseses or actively monitors human rights risks in its own operations or supply chain.
Evidence of Remediation
The company does not disclose whether it has identified any human rights risks in its operations through human rights due diligence
Fair Working Conditions
Policy for Direct Operations
The company commits in writing to prohibit discrimination, child labour and forced labour. However, it does not discuss auditing for compliance with these policies, prohibiting abuse and promoting fair wages.
Monitoring & Discosure
The company reports that employees who encounter human rights violations can complain to the related authority department of the company. However, it does not discuss having a dedicated grievance mechanism or whether employees making complaints can remain anonymous.
Safety & Turnover Data
Committee representation of workers
The company discusses the importance of protecting occupational labour safety for employees. The company adopts advanced safety management and states that it puts the interests of employees first. However, the company does not disclose if it has any health and safety certification.
Disclosure of safety and turnover data
The company does not disclose workplace injury and fatality rates in the reporting year or the year prior.
Freedom of Association
Strength of Policies
The company primarily operates in China, so it is exempt from supporting freedom of association. The company mentions that it meets with representatives to discuss problems related to the work of the labour union and deal with any complaints about human rights raised by employees. However, the company does not discuss measures to support collective bargaining or whether it requires suppliers to uphold the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining where applicable.
Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Metrics
The company does not disclose the distribution of its workforce according to contract type, state the number of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements or provide a statement supporting its employees' right to bargain collectively.
Food Safety
Food Safety System
The company prioritises food safety and has built a food safety traceability system. However, the company does not have food safety certifications. Further, it does not confirm whether suppliers are required to hold certifications. No further disclosure on food safety audits, corrective actions or consumer-facing traceability technologies is provided during the reporting period.
The company does not report the number or frequency of food safety audits during the reporting year. Further, it does not specify associated corrective action rates. It does not disclose whether it has implemented or is in the process of developing consumer-facing technology for food safety.
Product Recalls & Market Bans
Product Recall Systems
The company does not acknowledge food safety as a material business issue, nor does it disclose that a product recall system is in place. It does not report any data on product recall incidents in the reporting year. Further, it does not provide information on preventative or corrective actions.
The company does not disclose information related to product recalls or market bans. Further, no product recalls or market bans were detected in media screening in the reporting period.
Sustainability Governance
Assessment of a Company's Sustainability Governance
Board Sustainability
The company mentions that it has board-level oversight of climate issues and sustainable development. However, it does not discuss conducting a materiality assessment or if it has board-level expertise in sustainability, food safety or innovation.
Incentives & Policy Engagement
The company has not disclosed executive monetary remunerations linked with climate or sustainability performance. Nor has it disclosed engaging with civil or trade associations on ESG issues, a list of trade association memberships or if it aligns any policy-engagement activities with the goal of restricting global temperature rise to 1.5C.
Innovation & Benchmarking
The company does not disclose a strategic approach to sustainability innovation or state whether it benchmarks itself against peers in sustainability and innovation.
Alternative Proteins
Diversification of Products to Alternative Protein Sources
Existing product portfolio
The company does not explicitly acknowledge that protein diversification is a material business issue. Further, it has not yet set a timebound target to diversify protein sources, nor does not report revenue/sales linked to alternative protein sources
Investing for future growth
The company does not indicate having an approach toward diversifying its product range to include plant-based and alternative proteins.
Members-only Content
To register as a member of the FAIRR network, please fill out the sign up form or if you need additional information on the FAIRR network, please contact investoroutreach@fairr.org.
Workstream Information
2023 Risk Score:
High Risk
Main Protein:
Poultry and eggs
Assessed Proteins:
Poultry and eggs
Company Feedback Given:
Last Updated:
31 October 2023
2023 Resources
2023/24 Index Report Summary (Mandarin) 报告总结摘要(中文) Launch of the Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index 2023/24 2023/24 Company Dialogue Questions 2023/24 Full Report Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index
Coller FAIRR Climate Risk Tool
Analysis Overview
Cost Increase
Cost Increase
EBIT Margin
Cost Increase (%)
Net Zero Aligned
High Climate Impact
Cost Breakdown
2030 | Net zero aligned | BAU | High climate impacts |
Total Costs | 0% | 5% | 8% |
Carbon Tax | 1% | 2% | 2% |
Feed | -1% | 3% | 6% |
Feed Additives | N/A | N/A | 0% |
Heat Stress | 0% | 0% | 0% |
2050 | Net zero aligned | BAU | High climate impacts |
Total Costs | 1% | 7% | 13% |
Carbon Tax | 2% | 3% | 3% |
Feed | -2% | 3% | 10% |
Feed Additives | N/A | N/A | 0% |
Heat Stress | 0% | 1% | 1% |
Members-only Content
To register as a member of the FAIRR network, please fill out the sign up form or if you need additional information on the FAIRR network, please contact investoroutreach@fairr.org.
Workstream Information
Last Updated:
5 April 2023
2023/24 Resources
Walkthrough Video 2023 Public Report 2023 (English) Public Report 2023 (Mandarin) Coller FAIRR Climate Risk Tool