Guangdong Haid Group Co., Limited
002311:CH CNE100000HP8
Key Information
Market Cap:
Primary Market:
Company Information
Company Summary
Guangdong Haid Group Co., Ltd. is a vertically integrated company based in China and also operating across several other markets in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam and Malaysia. The company's primary source of revenue is animal feed, but it also produces poultry, pork and aquaculture products.Revenue
Total revenue:
Revenue by Geography
Revenue by Protein
Revenue by Product Type
CDP ScoresLast Reviewed: 11/10/2023
CDP Climate | CDP Forests | CDP Water |
No | No | No |
Science Based Target initiativeLast Reviewed: 03/10/2023
Target classification | Status | Date |
Has not set SBT | - | - |
Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index
Analysis Overview
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Deforestation & Biodiversity Water Use & Scarcity Waste & Pollution Antibiotics Animal Welfare Working Conditions Food Safety Sustainability Governance Alternative Proteins
Analysis Breakdown
Risk Score
High Risk
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Scope 1, 2 & 3 Target
Type of Target
The company does not have a science-based emission reduction target.
Strength of Target - Non-SBT
The company discloses that it has proactively explored energy conservation technologies and processes to reduce energy consumption and the relevant emissions leading to climate change. It also pushes forward the energy transformation plans. However, it has not disclosed any specific emissions-reducing activities or energy-saving or renewable energy targets.
Innovation on GHG Emission Reduction
Innovation to Reduce Agriculture Emissions
The company does not discuss whether it is working with suppliers to reduce emissions from agriculture.
Feed Farming Innovation
The company mentions that it actively fulfils its responsibility for environmental protection and food safety and implements green procurement for those in charge of creating a green supply chain. However, it does not mention innovation to reduce or mitigate emissions from feed farming.
Animal Farming Innovation
The company does not engage in innovative projects to reduce or mitigate emissions from animal farming
Quality of GHG Inventory
Quality and scope of GHG inventory Completeness
The company does not disclose its GHG emissions.
Feed & Animal Farming Emissions
The company does not disclose any information on GHG emissions from animal farming. The company does not disclose any information on GHG emissions from feed production. The company does not disclose any information on GHG emissions from land use change.
Transparency of GHG Inventory
The company does not disclose to CDP climate change questionnaire. The company does not disclose the data on GHG inventory is audited by a third party.
Emissions Performance
Overall Emission Performance
The company does not disclose its emission data. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a comparison.
Climate-related Scenario Analysis
Climate-related Scenarios Analysis Conducted
The company does not disclose information on a climate-related scenario analysis.
Disclosure of Analysis Results on Material Risks
The company discloses physical risks such as extreme high or low temperatures, storms and typhoons, which can lead to fluctuations in feed availability. To mitigate this risk, the company adapts risk control methods that include two aspects: 1. the company will fully deploy manufacturers and local markets in significant areas of operation; 2. provide continuous support to farmers through the joint empowerment of feed, seedlings and animal healthcare, providing scientific breeding plans and individual services. It realises extreme weather changes may affect breeding production, livestock inventory and aquatic products. It mentions that some marine animals may not adapt to a rising water temperature and tend to die, affecting short-term feed demands. It also lists specific risk control measures, such as expanding regional distribution. The company's products include biological products, veterinary medicine, vaccines, etc. However, it does not disclose information related to veterinary and drug costs due to climate change.
Disclosure of Financial Material Events & Alignment of CAPEX
The company discloses investing more than CNY70 million in new or renovated environmental facilities. However, it is unclear whether the capital expenditures align with GHG targets.
Deforestation & Biodiversity
Deforestation/Conversion-free Target - Soy for Animal Feed
Risk Assessment to Identify High-risk Locations
The company is a vertically integrated company and deals in pork and poultry. Therefore, it is deemed that it sources soy for feed and any fluctuation in its price might affect the risk of rising procurement costs. The company discloses that the main soybean meal supplier is Louis Dreyfus which discloses zero deforestation and conversion-free commitment and goal. However, the company does not disclose the percentage of soybean meal they purchased from Louis Dreyfus.
Strength of Deforestation Commitment
The company does not disclose having a deforestation/conversion-free target for soy.
Transparency - Progress Against Commitment
The company does not report progress against its commitment. Nor did it responded to the CDP Forest Questionnaire in 2022.
Engagement, Monitoring & Traceability - Soy for Animal Feed
Supplier Engagement
The company mentions that it encourages suppliers to have traceability of soybeans. However, it does not reference deforestation in its supplier code of conduct or selection process and does not provide any further information.
Compliance monitoring & Traceability
The company does not disclose how compliance in monitored or what actions are taken if non-compliance occurs. Further, the company does no disclose the level of traceability it has of its soy supply chain.
Feed Innovation
The company does not discuss innovations and/or practices to move towards sustainable feed sources.
Aquaculture Certification (ASC, BAP, GlobalGAP, SSP)
Proportion of Farms Certified
The company does not disclose any information on farm certification.
Feed Ingredients & Conversion Ratios
Feed Disclosure
The company does not disclose feed ingredients by percentage, nor does it state if it purchases certified soy and marine animal products. The company does not provide disclosure on forage fish dependency for fish meal and fish oil.
Performance of Feed Metrics
The company does not disclose that marine and soy ingredients are 100% certified or that it does not source these ingredients. It did not disclose a quantitative decrease in FCR by species, or a decrease in FFDRm/FFDRo. The company does not discloses the absolute volumes of fishmeal/fish oil sourced including a breakdown of sourcing from whole fish vs sourcing from by products. Further, it did not disclose the protein conversion efficiency with calculation methodology and workings.
Feed Innovation
The company does not disclose its strategy for feed innovation.
On the percentage of R&D allocated to novel ingredient development, the company discloses that total R&D expenditure accounts for 0.68% of operating income, but does not disaggregate this by sector. The company has not set a target for the inclusion of novel ingredients.
Sea Lice Management - Salmon (Fish at Sea Only)
Sea Lice Disclosure & Management
The company does not disclose information about sea lice management.
Cleaner Fish
The company does not discuss non-medicinal/non-chemical approaches taken to prevent sea lice infestation. It does not disclose investment into cleaner fish husbandry or disclose the mortalities of cleaner fish used.
Ecosystem Impacts
The company does not disclose any information on escapes.
Reducing Biodiversity Impacts
The company does not provide a discussion of work undertaken to reduce biodiversity impacts. It also provides no timebound target to eliminate human-wildlife conflict.
Algal Blooms
The company does not disclose a management plan in the event of algal blooms.
Water Use & Scarcity
Water Use & Scarcity in Facilities
Monitoring Water Consumption & Withdrawals
The company discusses water scarcity issues and adopts various measures to save water, such as recycling water at feed production. The company has also identified the level of water risk for different businesses. However, the company does not disclose its water consumption.
Target to Reduce Water Consumption & Withdrawals
The company has not set a time-bound water reduction target to reduce total water withdrawals at facilities in the reporting year.
Disclosure & Performance of Water Risks in Facilities
The company does not report water withdrawals/consumption by source or by water stress level. It does not disclose water related CAPEX or OPEX and has did not respond to the CPD Water Questionnaire.
Water Use & Scarcity in Feed Farming
Supplier Engagement in Water Use in Feed Farming
The company has reduced the volume of maize purchased from regions where water is scarce and purchases from multiple regions to reduce its dependence on a single, region-specific water source.
Disclosure of Water Risks in Feed Farming
The company does not disclose feed water intensity, or the proportion of feed sourced from water stresses areas. Further, the company does not provide evidence that it is investing in sustainable feed production from a water use perspective.
Water Use & Scarcity in Animal Farming
Supplier Engagement in Water Use in Animal Farming
The company does not disclose the proportion of animal protein commodities produced and/or sourced in water-stressed areas. It mentions that it identified the level of water risk for pig farming and aquaculture operations. The company also states that it has the relevant measures to reduce the water risk for animal farming.
Disclosure of Water Risks in Animal Farming
The company has not established partnerships with third parties to input into sourcing/farming strategy, including water use.
Waste & Pollution
Wastewater at Facilities
Disclosure & Targets for Wastewater Quality & Volume Discharged
The company discloses seven penalties related to wastewater across different locations.
Transparency on Water Pollution Risks
The company discloses the water quality data for seven out of 528 operating units.
Performance on Wastewater Quality & Volume Discharged
The company mentions that it provides organic fertilisers to the plantation industry from manure produced from animal farming. The company also process pig manure to make organic fertiliser. However, it is unclear whether the company converts animal byproducts from processing effluents into fertiliser. The company's wastewater quality improved in one subsidiary, Jiaxiang Haiying Food Co., Ltd. in 2022. However, a comparison against other subsidiaries cannot be made, as the pollutants disclosed are not consistently reported.
Nutrient Management in Feed Farming
Supplier Engagement in Nutrient Pollution Risks
The company does not address nutrient management plans in its code of conduct.
Innovation to Improve Nutrient Management in Feed Farming
The company does not invest in sustainable feed production to improve nutrient management or disclose information about pesticide use in its feed supply chain.
Manure Management in Animal Farming
Disclosure of Pollution Risks from Manure
The company has a livestock manure treatment system that converts manure into fertilisers.
Supplier Engagement in Manure Management
The company does not make site-specific nutrient management plans a part of its supplier's contractual agreement and/or own farms management. Nor does it provides technical and/or financial support to suppliers and/or own farms to develop nutrient management plans and improve manure storage.
Innovation to Improve Nutrient Management in Animal Farming
The company mentions that the organic fertiliser produced by the pig manure is provided to the neighbouring large-scale farmers for use, and the types of crops grown include sugarcane, vegetables, fruit trees, etc.
Nutrient Management in Aquaculture
Disclosure of Pollution Risks in Animal Farming Operations
The company does not disclose whether it conducts risk assessments to identify high-risk locations and does not disclose methods of mitigating environmental impact. The company does disclose that organic waste is used as fertiliser.
Performance on Pollution Management
The company does not disclose the treatment or metrics of effluent pond water. It does not disclose a neutral impact on water, or provide evidence of a community engagement plan.
Policy on Antibiotics Use
Policy on Antibiotics Use
The company commits to improving animal welfare and curtailing antibiotic usage by researching antibiotic-free feed and alternative strategies, including the use of microbial fermented feed to address prevalent livestock diseases. These initiatives align with industry endeavours to bolster animal health and mitigate antibiotic resistance.
Disclosure of Quantity of Antibiotics Used
Disclosure of Quantity of Antibiotics Used
The company does not disclose the quantity of antibiotics used.
Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare Policy
Welfare Policy
The company does not provide a statement supporting the Five Freedoms or highlight the importance of animal welfare.
Key Welfare Issues
The company states that it focuses on four core key indicators: physical, psychological, environmental, and hygiene, with the aim of assessment and improvement. However, it does not disclose further details on these indicators.
Assurance & Certification
Auditing & Assurance by an Animal Welfare Organisation
The company lacks animal welfare certifications and does not conduct internal animal welfare audits.
Public Reporting on Welfare
The company does not disclose information in relation to animal welfare certifications or assurance programs for its beef operations.
Performance on Key Material Risks
Performance on Key Material Welfare Risks by Protein
The company provides no disclosure on gestation crates, routine tail docking, surgical castration, or barren and unsuitable environments.
Aquatic Animal Welfare
Welfare Policy
The company does not provide information on its animal welfare policy beyond high-level statements on actions taken to improve welfare.
Reporting on Animal Welfare Metrics
The company does not disclose sufficient information to ascertain if it assures a stocking density of lower than 17kg/m3 for salmon at all times.
Reporting on Measures to Improve Welfare
The company does not disclose information in relation to the eye-stalk ablation of shrimps.
Disease Management - All Fish
Mortality Rates
The company does not disclose mortality, disease incidence, management or prevention information.
Disease Outbreak
The company does not disclose the incident-based mortality.
Disease Management - Shrimp Aquaculture
The company does not disclose any information related to disease management in shrimp farming.
Disease Outbreak & Biosecurity
The company does not disclose the direct financial costs linked to the mortality of shrimps.
Working Conditions
Human Rights
Strength of Policy
The company strictly abides by national laws and internationally recognised human rights policies. However, it does not disclose which internationally recognised human rights policies it adheres to.
Due Diligence Process
The company does not discuss how it monitors, assesses and mitigates actual and potential human rights risks in its own operations or supply chain.
Evidence of Remediation
The company does not disclose whether it has identified any human rights risks in its operations through human rights due diligence
Fair Working Conditions
Policy for Direct Operations
The company commits in writing to prohibit child labour, forced labour and discrimination in its operations. However, the company does not commit to promoting fair wages or undergoing audits covering the selected policies. Furthermore, it does not state a requirement for suppliers to adhere to similar commitments.
Monitoring & Discosure
The company does not discuss whether it has conudcted supplier audits covering human rights or if it has a grievance reporting mechanism open to employees or external stakeholders.
Safety & Turnover Data
Committee representation of workers
The company is committed to providing a safe workplace for all employees. It has also established a safety and environmental protection committee chaired by the group's president. However, the company does not state that it holds any health and safety certification or how many, if any, of its facilities have their own individual health and safety committees with worker representatives.
Disclosure of safety and turnover data
The company does not disclose injury or fatality data for the current reporting or previous year. Nor does the company disclose turnover rates for the reporting period.
Freedom of Association
Strength of Policies
The company is based in China, where freedom of association is not legally permitted. However, the company does not mention any actions it takes to support alternative methods of employee representation or state if it requires suppliers to uphold their employees' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining where applicable.
Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Metrics
The company does not disclose the distribution of its workforce according to contract type, state the number of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements or provide a statement supporting its employees' right to bargain collectively.
Food Safety
Food Safety System
In the previous reporting period, the company disclosed that it established several food safety management and quality assurance systems, stating it adopted ISO 9001 certification as the basis for food safety assurance. However, no information on food safety systems, certifications, or supplier requirements is explicitly disclosed over the assessed reporting period.
The company discloses that it has established a complete internal audit system and audit department that supervises daily operations reporting to the Board of Directors, Audit and Supervisory Committees. It reports that the nature and cause of deficiencies identified from audits can be analyzed in time. Furthermore, remediation plans can be put forward in time. However, it is unclear whether this relates to food safety and no further information, including corrective action rates, is provided. The company has not disclosed whether it is developing consumer-facing technology for food safety.
Product Recalls & Market Bans
Product Recall Systems
The company does not provide a description of how it approaches product recalls. It disclosed zero food safety incidents in FY21. Disclosure on this metric was not made for the current reporting period, however, no recall incidents were detected in media screening.
The company does not disclose information related to market bans, and none were detected over the reporting period in media screening.
Sustainability Governance
Assessment of a Company's Sustainability Governance
Board Sustainability
The company's board oversees and promotes sustainable development work. In addition, the company identifies the key issues that are of general concern to stakeholders and have a significant impact on its own sustainable development, including animal welfare, biodiversity, food safety, employee rights and reduction of environmental impact. However, the company does not mention whether the board is involved in the assessment. The company mentions one board member has innovation expertise but does not disclose board-level expertise in sustainability and food safety.
Incentives & Policy Engagement
The company has not disclosed executive monetary remunerations linked with climate or sustainability performance. Nor has it disclosed engaging with civil or trade associations on ESG issues, a comprehensive list of trade association memberships or if it aligns any policy-engagement activities with the goal of restricting global temperature rise to 1.5C.
Innovation & Benchmarking
The company does not disclose a clear strategy for sustainable innovation or if it benchmarks itself against peers in sustainability and innovation.
Alternative Proteins
Diversification of Products to Alternative Protein Sources
Existing product portfolio
The company does not explicitly acknowledge that protein diversification is a material business issue. Further, it has not yet set a timebound target to diversify protein sources, nor does not report revenue/sales linked to alternative protein sources
Investing for future growth
The company does not indicate having an approach towards diversifying its product range to include plant-based and alternative proteins
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Workstream Information
2023 Risk Score:
High Risk
Main Protein:
Assessed Proteins:
Poultry and eggs, Pork, Aquaculture
Company Feedback Given:
Last Updated:
31 October 2023
2023 Resources
2023/24 Index Report Summary (Mandarin) 报告总结摘要(中文) Launch of the Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index 2023/24 2023/24 Company Dialogue Questions 2023/24 Full Report Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index