Member AUM
$70 trillion

NH Foods Ltd

2282:JP JP3743000006
Key Information
Market Cap:
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Company Information

Company Summary

The NH Foods Group is a vertically integrated company that raises cattle, hogs and poultry. It maintains 122 farms in Japan and 27 overseas (Australia and Middle East). The fresh meats business accounts for more than 50% of its sales. The company also has a marine and dairy products division.
NH Foods


Total revenue:


Revenue by Geography

Revenue by Protein

Revenue by Product Type

Note: This financial breakdown is based on Annual reports released in 2022, containing, in most cases, FY2021.


CDP ScoresLast Reviewed: 11/10/2023

CDP ClimateCDP ForestsCDP Water

Science Based Target InitiativeLast Reviewed: 03/10/2023

Target classificationStatusDate
Has not set SBT--