Company Dialogue Questions
How to apply the Index methodology to your own portfolio of companies
The following questions have been developed in collaboration with key stakeholders to align with existing methodologies and address sector-specific issues in the livestock sector. They are based on the assessment methodology of the Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index and aim to provide investors with guidance and direction during dialogues with animal protein producers more broadly. Please note that the list is not exhaustive and the questions do not necessarily apply to all companies, namely due to the variations in protein types and business models. For current constituents of the Index, these questions have been answered within the company's individual assessment.

Company Dialogue Table
This inventory is not an exhaustive list of all the companies which are performing best practice on a particular issue. Examples have been chosen to provide a selection of practices FAIRR has seen across the range of regions and proteins covered within the Index. For exhaustive company-specific information, we encourage members to download the 2024 company assessments from company profile pages. Company assessments include how a company is performing overall; how it compares to its peers; which areas it has shown improvement in or worsened; and what strategies it undertakes to mitigate risk for a particular issue. Investors that are not FAIRR members, can sign-up to FAIRR to receive full access to this information.
Factor | Topic | Questions | Protein Application | Best practice | Company Best Practice Examples |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Quality of GHG Inventory | To what extent does the company disclose its GHG emissions (Scope 1,2 and 3)? | All | The company measure and discloses Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. This includes emissions from all animal farming (both owned and sourced), emissions from animal feed production, and emissions from land-use change. | Minerva discloses scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions across all operations. The company mentions that it neutralised 100% of scope 2 emissions from electricity by purchasing renewable energy certificates, and the scope 3 emissions include emissions from enteric fermentation and manure. (SR 2022) Fonterra discloses emissions from animal farming (i.e., raw milk from supplying farms) in New Zealand, Australia and Latin America. This is estimated to be the company’s largest source of Scope 3 emissions. It also provides a breakdown of total gross global Scope 1 emissions into On-farm and Manufacturing emissions. The company discloses that feed represents a small proportion of New Zealand emissions as its cows mainly graze on pasture and use little supplementary feed. The company discloses that Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) considers animal and other farm emissions, brought-in feeds, and land-use changes (SR 2022, CDP Climate 2022). |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Quality of GHG Inventory | To what extent does the company disclose its GHG emissions from land-use change? | All | The company discloses CO2-equivalent emissions or breaks down GHG emissions into CO2, CH4 and N2O from land use and/or land management | Mowi discloses the emissions from land-use change related to sourcing feed raw materials and reports zero land-use change associated with the conversion of coastal wetlands (mangroves, seagrass and marshes), conversion/draining and burning of peatlands, and conversion of savannas and natural grasslands. (Policy on Climate Change and Energy Use 2023) Grieg discloses the life cycle assessment of the various feed raw material commodities used for procured feed from all the feed suppliers. The life-cycle assessment includes land-use change, cradle to grave and economic allocation. The company discloses the global scope 3 emissions, including the land use change emissions. (CDP Climate 2022) |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Scope 1,2 and 3 target | The company has a specific methane emission reduction target or is it in the process of developing one? | All | Danone aims to reduce 30% of methane emissions from fresh milk by 2030. (Integrated Annual Report, 2022) Itoham Yonekyu has a target to reduce methane emissions from cattle production by 10%. (CDP Forest, 2022) Marfrig sets a methane reduction goal for all of Effluent treatment plants across all operations by 2035. (Company Website) | |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Scope 1,2 and 3 target | Has the company committed to set a Net Zero Target to be validated by SBTi? | All | The company has set a science-based Net-Zero target that has been validated by the SBTi. Ideally, the company should have a near-term target (e.g., to align with the 1.5-degree goal) and a long-term target (e.g., a science-based net-zero target). | JBS has committed to setting an SBTi-approved Net-Zero target. To achieve net-zero emissions by 2040 and set a near-term 1.5°C target to reduce emissions and substantially mitigate the remainder of emissions. JBS reports to release its action plan to achieve this in 2023. (SBTi Website, Sustainability Report 2022) Charoen Pokphand Foods is committed to setting a Net-Zero target in alignment with the science-based target by 2030. (Sustainability Report 2022) |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Innovation in GHG emission reduction | What actions have the company taken to reduce emissions from feed production and animal agriculture (including from land-use change)? In what way will these address short-term or long-term emission reduction targets? | All | The company is trialling methane-reducing feed additives for cattle. The company is actively working with feed suppliers to reduce the use of artificial fertilisers in feed production and/or incentivise sustainable soil management. The company discloses to what extent the solutions will reduce emissions as part of their accounting plan | Bakkafrost purchases feed from suppliers and, at the same time, carries out feed processing in its operations. This accounts for feed emissions in all Scope 1, 2 and 3. It is engaging with its most significant suppliers in the Faroe Islands on reducing emissions. Bakkafrost is trialling RAS, which can improve its feed efficiencies. The company is also trying to improve its transport emissions by reducing transport distances, reducing produce weight and trialling environmentally friendly fuels. Marfrig has promoted actions to engage and guide its cattle suppliers in measuring and managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from cattle farming through sustainable livestock practices. It has partnered with EMBRAPA (the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company) to develop a low-carbon product. It has undertaken several initiatives to support and encourage low-carbon livestock farming practices, including developing appropriate pasture management and waste disposal techniques to reduce the release of gases into the atmosphere throughout its supply chain. The "Carbon Neutral Brazilian Beef" program utilises innovative Crop-Livestock-Forestry farming practices to neutralise animal methane emissions during husbandry. It also has initiated pilot projects with its suppliers to reduce methane emissions and expects to launch a line of beef cuts from low-carbon practices. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Innovation in GHG emission reduction | The company discloses its commitment to align capital expenditures with its GHG targets. | All | Companies should confirm that their investment strategy is aligned with 1.5 degrees and set out the assumptions (carbon tax, protein mix) underpinning that conclusion. Companies should include disclosure on their methodology, as well as key assumptions and KPIs. | BRF discloses that its CAPEX is prioritised and directed based on its ESG commitments and has identified risks. (Integrated Report 2022) Maple Leaf has implemented internal carbon pricing. This includes a carbon calculator tool that factors the carbon cost into all capital expenditure requests and returns on net assets calculations. This carbon price factors into all capital decisions and operating practices. The company is also carbon neutral, using offset credits for emissions it cannot directly mitigate. Since the company is committed to maintaining this, the internal carbon price will have a tangible influence on capital expenditure decisions, equivalent to a commitment. (CDP Climate 2022) Mowi reports that as part of its Green Bond and Sustainability-linked loan, it has committed to aligning its capital expenditures with GHG targets. In 2022, the allocation of proceeds to green categories, including those related to GHG emissions (sustainable feed) was 164 million EUR. In addition, in 2022, the company invested approximately 1.5 million EUR in energy-saving initiatives. (AR 2022) |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Emissions Performance | What is the company's emission performance? Has the company reported an increase or decrease in emissions compared to the previous reporting period? | All | The Company discloses a decrease in absolute emissions smaller than 3.03% per year compared to the last reporting year. The GHG inventory is complete. | Fonterra discloses that the Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions disclosure in its Sustainability Report was analysed. In the company's Sustainability Report, GHG emissions decreased from 25,572 (000 tCO2e) in FY21 to 24,480 (000 tCO2e) in FY22, representing a decrease of 4.27%. GHG inventory is complete (SR 2022) Lerøy Seafood discloses a 6.9% decrease in emissions, from 1,308,278 tCO2e in FY2021 to 1,217,275 tCO2e in FY2022. Similarly, compared to FY2020, there's a 14.42% decrease in absolute emissions, from 1,422,389 tCO2e to 1,217,275 tCO2e in 2022. (Company Website 2023) |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Climate-Related Scenario Analysis | Has the company undertaken climate-related scenario analysis? | All | The company completes the climate-related scenario analysis based on the IPCC scenarios and/or TCFD recommendations | Australian Agriculture discloses that in FY22, as part of AACo’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) implementation, it undertook a high-level climate-related scenario analysis to understand the potential impacts of climate change on its business and to identify actions to address those impacts. It launched this climate risk analysis using two distinct scenarios, the transition risk scenario (3°) and the physical risk scenario (>3°). (SR 2022) Charoen Pokphand Foods analysed a physical climate scenario by 1.5 Degree Scenario (2DS), RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios. The company discusses the potential impact of important resources of Charoen Pokhand Foods’s business (Feed, Farm & Food operations). The scenario analysis only covers Thailand's operation. (CDP Climate 2022) |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Climate-Related Scenario Analysis | Has the company mentioned the risk of feed availability and price volatility? | All | Inghams Group discusses that governments are expected to increase carbon pricing and energy taxes to encourage carbon reduction. Further, it discloses several current and proposed projects that can mitigate future carbon price increases. (AR 2022) Danone discloses to CDP that physical climate risks such as severe drought and flooding have impacted the availability and price of agricultural commodities. The company implements regenerative agriculture to mitigate the risks, which reduces its exposure to price volatility. (CDP Climate 2022) NH Foods recognises that climate change will impact feed availability and prices due to increased droughts. The company has analysed water stress levels in its feed-producing regions. As countermeasures, the company will improve the feed conversion ratio and develop technologies to improve it. It mentions it will also enhance in-house feed formulation and collaborate with feed companies to build a mechanism to secure a stable and low-cost feed supply. (Information Disclosure Based on the TCFD Framework 2022) | |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Climate-Related Scenario Analysis | Does the company state how it plans to address risks such as an increase in heat stress/the mortality of animals, increased veterinary and medicinal costs, increased energy costs and carbon taxes? | All | The company mentions the increased heat stress and mortality of animals and how it intends to mitigate or plans to adapt to the impact of temperature increase and variability on the productivity and/or mortality of animal. The company discusses the projected impacts of increased veterinary and medicine costs AND states how it plans to mitigate and adapt to increased veterinary and medicine costs. The company discusses the impact of increased electricity and energy demand and prices AND how it will mitigate and adapt to increased electricity and energy demand and prices. The company discusses the risk of carbon taxes on e.g. electricity and carbon-intensive animal protein AND its mitigation measures to potential carbon taxes. | China Modern Dairy discusses measures to alleviate and reduce heat stress on its cattle. For example, the use of heat lamps or fan heaters to raise the temperature of the stalls and provide thermal vests for the calves improves the cooling system of the cowshed, blocks the external heat source from entering the cowshed and promotes the heat and moisture in the cowshed to be discharged outside. It discloses that global warming affects the incidence of vector-borne zoonotic disease, leading to increased demand for pharmaceuticals and veterinary medicine to mitigate and adapt to increased veterinary and medicine costs. It works with the Purchasing Department and other functional departments where they discuss, revise and improve the drug procurement catalogue and regularly conduct tests and comparative analyses of similar drugs to select alternative drugs. It will also strengthen the veterinary talent reserve team to ensure that each farm is equipped with veterinarians and take adequate measures to reduce the incidence of Dairy cows and the use of drugs from the source. It mentions that it actively optimises the structure of energy use, promotes the use of clean energy and increases investment in comprehensive energy construction to cope with rising energy prices and reduce production costs. (ESG report 2022) Cranswick considers the climate-related risk of increasing heat stress and mortality of animals. Further, it mentions some response actions such as ventilation systems, evaporative cooling, misting systems, which can reduce temperatures by 4–5°C, and insulated huts to manage airflow. It discusses expected increases in energy prices and has discussed increasing its use of renewable energy and improving energy efficiencies to manage this. It also discusses that governments should increase carbon pricing and energy taxes to encourage carbon reduction. Further, the company discloses that it has a number of current and proposed projects that can potentially mitigate any future carbon price increases. (AR 2022) |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Feed Farming | What visibility does the company have into the types, volumes and origins of animal feed sourced by the company and/or its suppliers? | All | The company has full traceability of its soy supply chain i.e. it discloses that 100% of soy is traceable to the country of origin and provides clear evidence that this includes direct and indirect suppliers It discusses the system it has implemented to establish traceability of soy suppliers with a description of the technology/tools/data used (reliance on certification schemes is not sufficient). It discloses this information for all high-risk regions that the company sources from. It should also disclose whether supplier monitoring outcomes and reports are audited by a third party. | N/A |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Feed Farming | Does the company use soy in its animal feed? If so, does the company source soy from an area at high risk of deforestation? | All | All soy is sourced from 100% deforestation-free suppliers, OR 100% of soy is sourced from areas with no risk of deforestation. Deforestation-free suppliers are those that have implemented a 100% deforestation- and conversion-free soybean value chain, with 2020 as the cut-off date, such as CJ Selecta, Caramuru and Imcopa/Cervejaria Petrópolis. | Grieg states that 10.5% of feed ingredients used globally are Brazilian Soy Protein Concentrate (SPC). This is only used in feed purchased in Norway. The company discloses that in 2022, 100% of its soy was from ProTerra or Round Table on Responsible Soy certified suppliers. In Brazil, it only sources soy from suppliers that have implemented a 100% deforestation and conversion-free soybean value chain, with 2020 as their cut-off date. The company discloses that its Brazilian soy suppliers are CJ Selecta, Caramuru and Imcopa, all of which are considered deforestation-free. (AR, 2022; Grieg Seafood webpage, 2023) |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Feed Farming | If the company sources from areas at high risk of deforestation, does it have a commitment to source only certified soy or a zero deforestation/conversion commitment for soy sourced? | All | The company has a zero deforestation/conversion commitment with a target date set no later than 2025 and the cut-off date no later than 2020. This applies to all soy-sourcing regions at risk of deforestation. | Danone commits in writing to source 100% deforestation-free direct and indirect soy (used for feed) by 2025. The cut-off date is specified as 2020. (CDP Forest 2022; Danone Forest Policy 2022; Danone Universal Registration Document 2022). LDC committed to reaching a 100% deforestation and conversion-free soy supply chain by 2025. It discloses that the cut-off date for sourcing from newly deforested plots is 2020, particularly in the Cerrado in Brazil. (AR, 2022; SR, 2022) Lerøy set a target in 2018 to achieve zero deforestation or a 100% deforestation-free value chain for soy by 2020, which the company has successfully completed. It has a cut-off date in August 2020 for three suppliers of soy protein that are 100% free of deforestation and land alteration activities (DCF). (AR, 2022; Lerøy website, 2023) Saputo is committed to sourcing zero deforestation and conversion-free soy in the supply chain by 2025. Further, it is a member of the RTRS, which has a cut-off date of 2016. (Saputo website, 2023) |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Feed Farming | Does this commitment apply to all sourcing regions at risk of deforestation (e.g., beyond just the Amazon)? | All | (as above - this applies to all sourcing regions at risk.) E.g. The company states that it sources soy from suppliers who follow the Amazon Soy Moratorium E.g. The company states that all soy used in the company's feed from all regions is certified by ProTerra and the Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS). | Danone's zero-deforestation commitment applies to all sourcing regions at risk of deforestation. (CDP Forest 2022; Danone Forest Policy 2022; Danone Universal Registration Document 2022) LDC discloses that its feed production operation is in France. Further, it discloses not to use soybeans from newly deforested plots after 2020, particularly in the Cerrado in Brazil. Therefore, the commitment applies to all sourcing regions at risk of deforestation. (AR, 2022; SR, 2022) Lerøy states that all soy used in the company's feed, regardless of region, is certified by ProTerra or a similar certification. Therefore, the commitment applies to all sourcing regions at risk of deforestation. (AR, 2022; Lerøy website, 2023). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Feed Farming | What progress has the company made against these commitments? | All | The company provide details of progress made against targets or commitments (E.g., it discloses that 100% of its soy is sourced from areas with no risk of deforestation), and data on progress is audited by a third party. | Danone reports that the combined direct and indirect soy volumes sourced without deforestation are 77%. The total soy-based products fed to cows is 330 K tons, of which 74% is measured through data collection and 26% is extrapolated. The total measured volumes of 240K tons are net-deforestation free: 36% is from low-risk origin, 9% is certified (Mass balance or Area Mass balance), and the remaining 55% potentially at risk are compensated through RTRS book and claim credits. (CDP Forest 2022; Danone Forest Policy 2022; Danone Universal Registration Document 2022) Lerøy states it achieved the target of sourcing 100% deforestation-free value chain soy and 100% soy sourced from ProTerra in the year 2020. (AR, 2022; Lerøy website, 2023) Three companies based in the LATAM region report that 100% of the soy it purchase is verified as deforestation-free, e.g. through RTRS certification. These are Marfrig, Multiexport Foods and Salmones Camanchaca. Three further companies also report they have achieved targets by sourcing 100% RTRS-certified soy or Proterra Europe Soya: Bakkafrost, Cranswick and Tyson. |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Feed Farming | What monitoring and compliance systems does the company have to ensure that it is meeting this commitment? | All | The company should describe the method or process by which it monitors supplier compliance with its deforestation policy or target. It should have a formal policy for process taken if non-compliance is detected. E.g., it discusses that its procurement team conducts audits on suppliers on a regular basis E.g., it discloses that 100% of its soy is certified by a third party, e.g., ProTerra or RTRS E.g., it requires suppliers to have third party certification E.g., it uses technology such as geographic information systems (GIS), ground-based monitoring system, aerial monitoring system | Grieg states that it is in close dialogue with its feed suppliers, where compliance is monitored through geospatial monitoring and ground-based monitoring by GPS satellites in addition to requiring soy vendors to have a third-party certification from ProTerra or RTRS. In 2022, it states that 100% of soy was certified to these standards. If non-compliance is detected, it will develop time-bound targets to bring the suppliers back into compliance, provide information on actions, and re-integrate suppliers back into the supply chain upon successful and verifiable completion of actions. Furthermore, the company states that if suppliers are non-compliant during an audit, an engagement plan will be introduced that could lead to suspension if the corrective action plan is not met (CDP Forests 2022). Lerøy states that if soy is used in the feed, it must originate from producers who have complete traceability throughout the value chain and suppliers who have specified a cut-off date for deforestation (Brazil). All soy sourced from Brazil must have ProTerra certification, which has its processes and actions in cases of non-compliance. It further states that in 2021, 24 suppliers were blocked due to their failure to meet the required criteria. The company maintains close dialogue and follow-up with suppliers, conducts third-party audits, and utilises a traceability system to ensure compliance. (CDP Forest 2022; Lerøy Website, 2023). Mowi disclosed that in 2022, SPC suppliers from Brazil passed an MRV (Monitoring, reporting, and verification) audit on the Proterra Foundation Monitoring and Verification Guide. Further, it discloses that the soy it sources is either Proterra or Europe Soya Standard certified, which have their processes and actions to deal with non-compliance. (IR, 2022) |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Feed Farming | What level of traceability does the company have in its soy supply chain? | All | The company can trace 100% of both direct and indirect soy suppliers to the sub-national region/country of origin/mill level. It should discuss the system adopted to establish traceability of soy suppliers, describing the technology/tools/data used. It should disclose whether a third party audits supplier monitoring outcomes and reports. | Yili mentions that it has established soybean traceability based on IP certification, allowing all soy to be traced back to the production source. Furthermore, the company states that 100% of its soy comes from certified organic suppliers with no deforestation risk. (SR, 2022) Grieg lists its soy origin by state, covering 100% of its soy origin. 33% of the soy comes from Matto Grosso, 21% from Minas Gerai, 3% from Parana, 4% from Goias, 3% from Tocantins Brazil, 31% from Russia, and 5% from Ukraine in 2022. (Grieg Seafood website, 2023) Lerøy states that all three of its suppliers have implemented a monitoring, reporting, and verification system (MRV) to ensure full traceability throughout the value chain. Further, it has mapped its soy supply chain to Tier 4+ suppliers, covering 100% of its supply chain. (CDP Forest 2022; Lerøy Website, 2023) Mowi mentions that all ingredients used in feed production are fully traceable. Soy purchased from Brazil was 100% ProTerra certified and originated from Parana, Matto Grosso, Minas Gerais and Goiás. In 2022, Traceability Certificates of Compliance (TCCs) were issued to provide further documentation of origin (down to the municipality level). (IR, 2022) |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Feed Farming | What financial incentives or technical support is the company offering to help its soy suppliers become compliant with its zero deforestation commitment? | All | This can be evidenced in different ways: E.g., It has provided financial incentives or technical support to suppliers to encourage DCF (deforestation conversion-free) sourcing E.g., It has partnered with organisations to support soy producers, it should discuss how its participation will benefit its soy suppliers E.g., It has begun a pilot project with a few suppliers to improve traceability | Danone discloses that it started projects to help farmers plant local soy alternatives, making them less dependent on imported soy and reducing the risk of importing soy from deforestation-prone areas. With the support of the Ecosystem Fund, in 2017, Danone Germany launched the Profee Project, which aims to encourage a switch to regional protein sources and improve farmers' feeding practices. Sourcing local feed helps maintain Bavaria's agricultural and cultural landscape, enhances soil quality, and reduces the risk of deforestation in Latin America. (Universal Registration Document, 2022). China Mengniu Dairy encourages suppliers to obtain third-party certifications, such as RTRS responsible soybean certification and provides them with training so that suppliers comply with the Forest Protection Policy. (Forest Protection Policy, 2023) Grieg mentions providing incentives for sub-suppliers who take action towards zero deforestation. The suppliers who adopt the company's declared cut-off date and take action towards zero deforestation are rewarded. (Grieg Seafood website, 2023) Lerøy and Mowi work with feed companies within the "Aquaculture Dialogue on Sustainable Soy sourcing from Brazil", which aims to further develop sustainable sourcing from Brazil by achieving more transparency through traceability tools. (Mowi IR, 2022; Lerøy Website, 2023). Cranswick states it is involved in multi-partnership and stakeholder initiatives like the Cerrado Working Group (GTC) and the UK Roundtable on Sustainable Soy. It is also a supporter of the Government Round Table on sustainable soya, wherein it pledges to ensure that the supply chain is made aware of the impact of soya on deforestation in particular areas of South America. The company is also a signatory to the Statement of Support for the Cerrado Manifesto and supports the development of soy production to avoid deforestation and native vegetation loss, such as using the 38 million hectares of already converted land in the Cerrado that is suitable for agriculture. (CDP Forests 2022) |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Feed Farming | Is the company investing in any projects, innovations or research to move towards sustainable feed sources (e.g., to reduce the use of soy feed ingredients and the environmental footprint of feed farming? | All | The company should describe if it is investing R&D in alternative sources to reduce deforestation risks, or investing in alternative feed sources (e.g. algae and beans). | Grieg states that in 2021, it initiated a project to perform a holistic evaluation of ESG risks relating to salmon feed ingredients to increase transparency and traceability, enable benchmarking of feed ingredients on material ESG aspects, and have the ability to reduce risk and drive change throughout its supply chains. GSI adopted the project in 2022, where the company is a crucial member working for a standard methodology of ESG evaluation in the industry. It also mentions in its CDP Forest response that it partnered with WWF US to develop novel feed ingredients. Furthermore, the company states that as a member of the Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients and the Global Salmon Initiative Climate Taskforce, it commercialises novel feed ingredients. (AR, 2022; CDP Climate 2022) Lerøy discloses its determination to reduce soy use over time significantly, and its involvement in multiple projects focused on alternative feed ingredients. It has already implemented new raw materials, such as insect meal and microalgae, in the feed. Additionally, the company conducts R&D focused on exploring new raw materials for feed, including blue mussels. The company also highlights the progress of innovative feed in its ESG report, demonstrating its active efforts to find alternative feed ingredients. (Lerøy website, 2023) Mowi discloses that it is working towards raw material innovation. It seeks to explore various alternative feed options and includes products derived from insects, alcohol fermentation, CO2 capture and forestry. In 2022, Mowi Feed included 2.5% of emerging feed raw materials in its feed composition (which provides for algal oils and pea protein concentrate). (IR, 2022) Multiexport initiated an innovative feed project in 2021 to test insect meals. It mentioned that through this project, the company became the first salmon farmer in Chile to use this type of feed made from insect protein, which allows progress towards the availability of alternatives from other widely used sources of nutrients, such as fishmeal. (SR 2022) |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Cattle Farming | Is any of the company’s beef or Dairy sourced from areas at high risk of deforestation? | Beef & Dairy | 100% of cattle is sourced from areas with no risk of deforestation. | Bell Food discloses that 99% of all animal raw materials came from deforestation-free and conversion-free sources (90% from the Bell Switzerland business area and 10% imported from outside of Switzerland) in 2022. The company recognises beef produced and procured outside Europe may be associated with a higher deforestation risk, listing the Amazon and Cerrado in Brazil, the Gran Chaco in Paraguay, Argentina and Eastern Australia as high-risk cattle sourcing regions. (SR, 2022) Itoham Yonekyu does not directly engage in the consignment business but concludes that cattle consignment agreements are done with domestic farmers through cooperative farms. The contract farmers of these cooperative farms are not involved in land conversion or deforestation. The company also discloses that it engages in cattle production (fattening business) at ANZCO in New Zealand, and there is no deforestation or land conversion on ANZCO feed rods and rangelands. (Itoham Yonekyu Forests Policy, 2022) |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Cattle Farming | If the company sources areas at high risk of deforestation, does the company have a zero deforestation/conversion commitment for all cattle sourced? | Beef & Dairy | The company has a zero deforestation/conversion commitment with a target date set no later than 2025 and a cut-off date no later than 2020. This applies to all cattle-sourcing regions at risk of deforestation. | No best practice example |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Cattle Farming | Does this commitment apply to all sourcing regions at risk of deforestation (e.g., beyond just the Amazon)? Does this commitment apply to both direct and indirect suppliers? | Beef & Dairy | (as above - this applies to all sourcing regions at risk) | |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Cattle Farming | What progress has the company made against these commitments? | Beef & Dairy | The company provide details of progress made against targets or commitments (E.g., it discloses that 100% of its cattle is sourced from areas with no risk of deforestation), and data on progress is audited by a third party. | |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Cattle Farming | From which subnational regions does the company source its Beef & Dairy? What level of traceability does the company have for its cattle supply chain? | Beef & Dairy | The company can trace 100% of both direct and indirect suppliers of cattle to the farm level. | No best practice example |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Cattle Farming | What monitoring and compliance systems does the company have to ensure that it is meeting this commitment (direct and indirect suppliers)? What actions are taken if non-compliance is detected (direct and indirect suppliers)? | Beef & Dairy | The company should describe the method or process by which it monitors direct and indirect supplier compliance with its deforestation policy or target. It should have a formal policy for process taken if non-compliance is detected. E.g., it discusses that its procurement team conducts audits on suppliers regularly E.g., it requires suppliers to have third-party certification E.g., it uses technology such as geographic information systems (GIS), ground-based monitoring systems, aerial monitoring system | Minerva reports monitoring 100% of direct suppliers in Paraguay and Brazil on illegal deforestation activities and ensuring cattle acquired meet all legal requirements and certifications. Over 80% and around 90% of direct suppliers are monitored in Colombia and Argentina. It aims to monitor direct suppliers in Colombia by 2023, Uruguay by 2025, and Argentina by 2030. For its indirect suppliers, the company has integrated the Visipec tool that assists in developing and guiding viable action plans to address deforestation risks on Minerva Foods' indirect supply farms. It aims to "develop and implement a program for the monitoring of indirect suppliers for all countries of operation in South America by 2030." For regions in Brazil, it screens direct suppliers by reviewing publicly available information from IBAMA on illegal deforestation. If any irregularity is identified, the company's sustainability area blocks suppliers from meeting the established criteria, eliminating the possibility of purchasing cattle from these producers. The company mentions it has blocked 414 Brazilian suppliers in 2022 due to non-compliance with social and environmental regulations. (SR, 2022; CDP Forest, 2022). Marfrig employs geospatial monitoring and has developed a Socio-environmental Risk Map to identify areas with high socio-economic risks in the Amazon and Cerrado Biomes, considering direct and indirect suppliers. When high risks are identified, the company may request more detailed information from producers to ensure compliance with social and environmental commitments related to sustainable cattle breeding. The company also utilises blockchain technology to track suppliers and verify incidents of deforestation using public data. In 2022, the Conecta platform was available to around 4,000 direct producers in Mato Grosso and Rondônia states. Additionally, the company uses Visipec, a tool designed explicitly for meatpacking and monitoring companies in Brazil, allowing for tracking and monitoring tier 2 suppliers. It states that if any non-conformity with its environmental criteria is detected through monitoring, the supplier is temporarily suspended from selling animals to the company until the issue is resolved. The company also supports cattle breeders in developing a corrective action plan to address the non-conformities and ensure compliance with the company's environmental criteria. (SR, 2022; CDP Forest, 2022). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Cattle Farming | What financial incentives or technical support is the company doing to help its cattle suppliers become compliant with its zero deforestation commitment? | Beef & Dairy | This can be evidenced in different ways: E.g., it has provided financial incentives or technical support to encourage DCF (deforestation conversion-free) E.g., it has begun a pilot project with a few suppliers to improve traceability | Minerva mentions that it has integrated the Visipec traceability and monitoring tool for indirect suppliers in the Amazon, covering the breeding and backgrounding operations of selling calves or stockers to the company’s direct suppliers. Its purpose is to provide the transfer of technology to the rancher so they can consult and analyse the socio-environmental situation of their respective suppliers before acquiring animals for breeding, rearing and/or fattening under the same cattle purchase criteria adopted by the industry. The SMGeo Prospec tool is also provided to cattle ranchers throughout Brazil, allowing them to assess their supply chains for compliance and identify risks before completing any transaction. The app uses technology and a database that draws on the company's traceability expertise and the outcomes from previous assessments and audits. In 2022, it distributed over 800 vouchers throughout Brazil, bringing SMGeo Prospec’s technology to its suppliers. (SR, 2022; CDP Forest, 2022). Marfrig's Verde+ initiative offers technical assistance to both direct and indirect suppliers in areas such as intensification, restoration, and farm regularisation. The initiative aims to help producers transition to sustainable cattle-raising practices that balance productivity with conservation. The company also requires its direct suppliers to report on their suppliers, gathering information on indirect suppliers. Cattle breeders who do not comply with the necessary commitments are blocked from supplying the company. Additionally, the company provides its direct suppliers access to its blockchain traceability platform, supporting them in tracing their supply chains. (SR, 2022; CDP Forest, 2022). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Fish Feed | Does the company track and disclose feed ingredients by source (e.g., fish stocks or plant origin), volume and percentage? | Aquaculture | The company discloses all the feed ingredients by source and volume. | Bakkafrost produces its own feed and discloses a percentage breakdown of feed ingredients for 2022: Wheat products: 21.3% (28,162 tonnes); Plant oil: 13.5% (17,843 tonnes); Non-GMO SPC: 10% (13,261 tonnes); Marine proteins: 38.3% (50,630 tonnes); Fish oil: 13.7% (18,068 tonnes); Others: 3.3% (4,384 tonnes). The company states that there is a small variation between feed produced that is consumed by the company and not sold to third parties. (SR, 2022). Salmones Camanchaca discloses the raw materials and composition of its fish feed. In 2022, it used 50% raw material of vegetable origin, 23.3% raw material of animal origin, 4.6% fishmeal and 6.8% fish oil. (IR, 2022). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Fish Feed | Does the company purchase certified soy and marine animal products? | Aquaculture | The company should disclose the percentage of all marine ingredients in feed (including fishmeal and fish oil) certified by the MSC, IRFM or Alaska RFM. It should disclose the percentage of soy ingredients certified by ProTerra or RTRS. | Multiexport discloses that in 2022, 15% of fish meal is certified by MSC and 93% by Marine Trust. It also reports that MSC and Marin Trust certified 7.40% and 61% of fish oil, respectively. The company also states that all procured soy is RTRS certified. (SR, 2022). Salmones Camanchaca discloses that in 2022, 54% of the fish oil used to make fish feed was IFFO Marine Trust certified, while 14% of fish oil was MSC certified. On the other hand, 82% of the fishmeal was IFFO Marine Trust certified, and 12% was MSC certified. Additionally, all the soy-derived raw materials used in 2022 are backed by RTRS credits. (IR, 2022). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Fish Feed | Does the company track Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) across various farmed seafood products? What metrics does it use? Is there a downward trend in FCR? | Aquaculture | The company should disclose the methodology and assumptions underlying the calculation (e.g., dry weight vs. wet weight). Ideally, it should also explain what actions led to any decrease in FCR. | Salmones Camanchaca discloses that in 2022, FCR decreased from 1.38 in 2021 to 1.17 in 2022 due to the reduced percentage of fishmeal included in diets and the greater use of diets with a lower percentage of fish meal and oil, including the use of Trimming factor in Coho farms. It discloses the method used to calculate the FCR. (IR, 2022). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Fish Feed | What is the companies forage fish dependcy ratio (FFDR) for fishmeal (FFDRm) and fish oil (FFDRo)? Does the company report a decrease in FFDRm and FFDRo? | Aquaculture | The company discloses the forage fish dependency ratio for both fishmeal and fish oil by operating country. Further, it reports a decrease in FFDRm and FFDRo across all operating regions. | Bakkafrost, Multiexport and Salmones Camanchaca disclose FFDR by operating region and a decrease in FFDRm in all operating regions across the past three years. For example, Bakkafrost's FFDRm has decreased from 0.99 in 2020 to 0.91 in 2022 (SR, 2022). Lerøy and SalMar disclose FFDR by operating region and a decrease in FFDRo in all operating regions. Lerøy figures decreased from 2.09 in 2019 to 1.70 in 2020, further declining to 1.65 in 2021 and reaching a lower level of 1.60 in 2022 (Lerøy website, 2023). SalMar discloses a decrease in FFDRo in both Norway and Iceland across three years (AR, 2022). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Fish Feed | Is the company working on projects, research or other actions to develop novel ingredients beyond current high-risk ingredients (e.g., fishmeal, fish oil, soy, corn), such as algae, insects and single-cell proteins? What % of R&D is allocated to their development? | Aquaculture | The company discloses its view on using alternative ingredients in aquafeed and plans to incorporate this into feed formulations. Strategies should include a clear definition of final and interim goals, timelines for achieving goals, and actions the company will undertake to achieve them: E.g., it has a project with an external party to develop or trial the use of feed using alternative ingredients. E.g., it is working with suppliers. It should include technical details on the suitability, nutrition and sustainability of any potential ingredients. It should specify the percentage of R&D specifically allocated to novel feed ingredients. . | Mowi discloses its efforts to identify and source alternative ingredients, including responsibly produced plant proteins and oils, in collaborative research with institutes, universities, and industrial partners. It is focused on finding and developing a diverse and effective raw material pallet that optimises salmon health, well-being and quality using the most sustainable options. It also strives towards independence from traditional raw material sources, including wheat, soya, corn, peas or beans. It aims to achieve 10-15% of feed ingredients from emerging raw materials. Between 2015 and 2021, it spent EUR 4.98 million researching emerging feed ingredients, including insect meal, auto and heterotrophic algae, single-cell proteins, krill and pea protein concentrate. Mowi Feed spent EUR 1.51 million and EUR 1.15 million in 2021 and 2022, respectively. The R&D and risk assessment outcomes will guide the company's decisions regarding all feed raw materials. In 2021 and 2022, its feed included 4% and 3% of emerging feed raw materials in its feed composition, respectively. These materials included algal oils and pea protein concentrate. (IR, 2022) Lerøy has an ongoing program for developing novel fish feed ingredients. In a joint venture with the NGO Bellona, Lerøy shares ownership of Ocean Forest A.S. This R&D company is currently at the forefront of efforts to produce innovative feed ingredients, investigating species such as blue mussels, microalgae and sugar kelp. It also emphasises close communication with its feed providers to drive the development of alternative feeds. Lerøy utilises insect meal as a feed ingredient. discloses that it has invested significantly in developing new raw materials for fish feed. An estimate based on 2022 averages indicates that Lerøy's investment in novel feed ingredients amounts to approximately NOK 350 million over the past four years. (Lerøy website, 2023). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Certification | Is the company aiming to certify all its operations to either ASC, GLOBALG.A.P. or BAP?, or SSP (for shrimp) Why/why not? | Aquaculture | The company discloses that it has achieved or is working towards full ASC, BAP, GlobalGAP, or SSP (for shrimp) certification. It should specify how many (or what percentage of) farms, hatcheries or facilities are currently certified. | Grieg discloses that all sites are certified with either GlobalGAP or BAP. (AR, 2022). SalMar reports that 100% of its value chain has either GlobalGap, Debio or ASC certifications. (AR, 2022). Bakkafrost reports that its Scottish operation has achieved 4-star BAP certification. It also discloses that 100% of its sites in the Faroes are certified by the ASC and the entire value chain is certified according to the international GlobalGAP standard. (SR, 2022; Bakkafrost website, 2023). Lerøy discloses that 100% of its localities are GlobalGAP or ASC-certified for farming and provides a list of the names of ASC-certified farms. (AR, 2022; Lerøy website, 2023) Multiexport reports that 100% of its farms have BAP certification. Additionally, 34% of its farms were ASC-certified in the reporting period. (SR, 2022) Salmones Camanchaca discloses that 100% of salmon production is certified with the BAP certification. (IR, 2022) |
Animal Welfare | Disease Management | What are aquatic animal mortality rates? Specifically, what are the incident-based mortality rates? | Aquaculture | The company reports either mortality or survival rates across its operations and supply chain, encompassing saltwater and freshwater environments. These metrics are transparently disclosed for each geographic location and extend over multiple reporting periods. | Mowi furnishes comprehensive data on survival rates in both seawater and freshwater environments, thereby facilitating the calculation of mortality rates. In seawater, the firm reported a consistent monthly survival rate of 99.2% for 2022 and 2021, which infers a mortality rate of 0.8%. This information is broken down by country and spans multiple years. Additionally, the company discloses mortality rates attributable to sores and wounds as a percentage of total biomass, registering figures of 0.94%, 1.21%, 1.4%, and 1.8% for 2019 through 2022, respectively. Moreover, the report includes average monthly survival rates for the Group's freshwater operations, fluctuating between 99.1% and 99.3%, translating to an approximate mortality rate ranging from 0.9% to 0.7% for the years specified. Rates for individual countries are also disclosed (IR, 2022; Policy on Salmon Welfare, 2023). |
Animal Welfare | Disease Management | What and how many disease outbreaks have impacted operations over the past three years? What are the financial losses and causes of these disease outbreaks? | Aquaculture | The company discloses the percentage of fish lost due to disease outbreaks for all species and across all geographic locations for the past three years. Additionally, it provides details on the financial losses incurred from these outbreaks. | Grieg Seafood reports the weight in tonnes and the numerical count of fish that have succumbed to infectious and non-infectious diseases in its various operational regions over the past three years (AR, 2022). |
Animal Welfare | Disease Management | What is the company doing to reduce mortality rates? What measures are in place to help the company prevent diseases from occurring and control disease after an outbreak has occurred? | Aquaculture | The company discloses non-medicinal and non-chemical approaches taken to prevent disease outbreaks and provides details of management plans in the event of an algal bloom. | Nissui emphasises adopting an automated monitoring system for aquaculture, leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This innovative system enables the acquisition of fish imagery without direct physical contact, reducing the potential for stress and disease caused by manual handling. Furthermore, the Oita Marine Biological Technology Centre has developed a technique for the elimination of skin parasites, specifically capsalids, by submerging the fish in a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution, with a focus on safeguarding fish welfare. These techniques are recognised as non-pharmacological strategies for disease prevention. In its land-based chub mackerel aquaculture facilities, Nissui utilises subterranean seawater as an additional measure to curtail the risk of disease and parasite infestation. (SR, 2022; Innovating Aquaculture Technology is the Future of Fisheries webpage, 2023). Lerøy implements a multi-faceted approach to minimise fish losses prior to slaughter, incorporating strategies such as selective breeding programmes, brood stock screening, comprehensive risk assessments, biosafety protocols, vaccinations, and sorting procedures. (Fish Health and Fish Welfare webpage, 2023) Bakkafrost asserts that it employs specific strategies to mitigate disease risks, including the use of selectively bred fish known for their resilience. The company continues to invest in the development of broodstock indigenous to the Faroe Islands. Additionally, Bakkafrost adopts a 'large smolt strategy' designed to minimise biological risks. The strategy focuses on increasing the size of the smolt to 500 grams as a key measure to reduce the risks of disease and sea lice, thereby limiting the duration of their exposure in marine environments (SR, 2022; Community Investment Policy webpage, 2023). Mowi asserts that it maintains a comprehensive fish welfare plan dedicated to upholding robust welfare practices, including disease prevention. In addition to employing medicinal and chemical-based interventions such as enhanced biosecurity measures and vaccinations, the company has made substantial investments in research and development, as well as in effective husbandry and management practices. Mowi further specifies that these initiatives are particularly focused on the prevention of disease and the reduction of stress among the fish populations (IR, 2022). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Sea lice management | What is the company doing to reduce the number of lice treatments salmon are undergoing? | Aquaculture | The company should show evidence of projects, research or other actions taken to prevent sea lice infestation without the use of medicines/chemicals; mechanical treatments that have a negative impact on overall health and welfare; and cleaner fish. E.g., skirts, snorkels, tubes or traps for sea lice prevention, deep lights, preventative feeds, probiotics | SalMar discloses a strategy for reducing the number of sea lice treatments through preventive measures, such as lice skirts, reduced cycle time and fallowing, and risk-based use of cleaner fish produced in-house. It has also established its own internal capacity for non-medicinal delousing and implemented the Clean Treat treatment method. In 2022, it introduced an innovative technology called lice lasers, where advanced optics identify salmon lice on the salmon and remove them using a laser pulse. Further, it introduced the OptoScale optic solution for increased insight and monitoring of fish lice, weight and welfare indicators. (AR, 2022). Lerøy describes targeted measures to reduce the number of lice, such as producing larger smolt using RAS technology to achieve shorter production periods at sea. Additionally, its efforts to control sea lice adhere to the principles of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy. This includes implementing preventive measures, utilising biological control methods (such as cleaner fish), and employing non-medicinal approaches. The company uses non-medicinal methods within the categories of fresh water, flushing, and temperate water. (Lerøy website, 2023). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Ecosystem Impacts | Does the company disclose data on escapes and the financial cost of all escape events? Is there a downward trend in escapes reported over the last 3 years? | Aquaculture | Shrimp producers' escapement prevention methods/technologies examples: (i) use of effective screens or barriers of appropriate mesh size for the smallest animals present, (ii) installation and management of trapping devices to sample for the existence of escapes, or (iii) perimeter pond banks or dykes are of adequate height and construction to prevent breaching in exceptional flood events, (iv) performs regular, timely inspections and records this in a permanent register, (v) records repairs to the system | Salmones Camanchaca states fish escape prevention plans that include specific risk assessments for each cultivation site and classification based on oceanographic conditions, according to international standards. The company has implemented procedures to verify the tension within external nets to ensure fish remain stable. The company has a fish containment plan to prevent escapes, a program that assesses specific risks at each farming site and conducts regular inspections using an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle). It reports that no fish escaped during 2022. (IR, 2022). Bakkafrost discloses that it had 32,821 fish escapes in the Faroe Islands in 2021 and 0 in Scotland. It displays a downward trend in escapes across three years as the number of fish escaped has reduced to zero. The company also discloses actions taken in response to escape events. It has a zero-tolerance policy for fish escapes and has invested substantially in containment measures, including early identification of risks through regular inspections. It also invested in the rollout of rigid nets across all sites. These are more resistant to weather and damage from predator attacks. It also trains employees specifically on escape prevention. (SR, 2022). SalMar discloses a downward trend in the number of escapes over the last three reporting years for its Norway and Iceland operations. In 2022, it had two reported escape incidents in Norway and none in Iceland, incurring zero financial costs related to escapes and obtaining “green” licences. It focuses on day-to-day routines for escape monitoring and checking the technical equipment. It also identified damage to net pens as a reason for escape incidents. The company has been working with its net pen supplier to test several different types of pens. It has successfully found a kind of pen that provides enhanced protection and delivers additional environmental benefits. It has launched an investment program to reduce incidents related to net pens and has halved the number of escape incidents from 2021 to 2022. Further, it also states that it focuses on regular monitoring and checking of technical equipment and improving handling protocols to reduce the possibility of escapes. (AR, 2022). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Ecosystem Impacts | What is the company doing to reduce biodiversity impacts? | Aquaculture | The company should show evidence of projects, research or actions aimed at managing or reducing biodiversity impact beyond escape management (e.g., projects to reduce the benthic effects, habitat restoration, mangrove conservation, entanglement policy) | Charoen Pokhand Foods has undertaken a biodiversity risk screening across its Thai operations. Based on this assessment, it has defined biodiversity risk mitigation plans for the three high-risk sites based on a mitigation hierarchy consisting of measures to avoid, minimise, restore, and offset impacts on biodiversity. The company has also taken several measures in conserving, protecting and restoring watershed and mangrove forests. It aims to preserve biodiversity through the Charoen Pokhand Foods Grow-Share-Protect Mangrove Forestation Project and the Charoen Pokhand Foods Rak Ni-Ves, Pasak Watershed, Khao Phraya Doen Thong project. These projects focus on conserving and restoring forests by continually afforesting, reforesting and monitoring. (SR, 2022). Maruha Nichiro has participated in the Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS) initiative since its inception. The main goal is to lead the world toward sustainable seafood production and a healthy ocean environment. It aims to contribute to meeting the UN SDGs, particularly Goal 14, to "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development." It is also a member of the Clean Ocean Material Alliance, a Japanese initiative that promotes sustainable plastic use and strives to reduce plastic waste in the ocean. Further, it is a facilitation partner of the Japanese Business Federation's Biodiversity Declaration, a forum for exchanging information and opinions on biodiversity initiatives. In addition, in April 2022, it participated in the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity, with the goal of halting biodiversity loss and restoring by 2030. (IR, 2022; Maruha Nichiro website, 2023). Thai Union commits to implementing best practices to protect endangered, threatened and protected (ETP) species by 2030. It is also committed to having 100% observer coverage on tuna vessels through direct work with its suppliers and service providers. The company completed the bycatch audit with SFP's partners Birdlife International and Whale and Dolphin Conservation in the current reporting period. High-priority areas were identified, and Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) were developed for tuna fleets. It also mentions that this work will be continued next year. (SR, 2022). |
Deforestation & Biodiversity Loss | Ecosystem Impacts | Does the company have a target to eliminate human-wildlife conflict? (This includes pinnipeds and cetaceans and birds attracted to farms and also the gratuitous use of ADDs) | Aquaculture | This includes pinnipeds, cetaceans, birds attracted to farms, and the gratuitous use of ADDs. Seals, dolphins, whales and sea birds are often killed or captured and transported away from farms. | Bakkafrost has partially funded collaborative research projects to assess the potential environmental impact of aquaculture on the biodiversity of benthic macrofauna in Faroese fjords and to establish a baseline and a classification system for marine biological diversity state undisturbed by human impact. However, it does not have a time-bound target to eliminate human-wildlife conflict. (SR, 2022). Grieg Seafood aims to minimise the impact on wildlife around its farms, such as birds or marine animals, by using equipment preventing such individuals from entering its pens. It also mentions that it does not use acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs). It reports zero wildlife-related conflicts for the reporting year. However, it does not have a time-bound target to eliminate human-wildlife conflict. (AR, 2022; Grieg website, 2023). |
Water Use & Scarcity | Water Use & Scarcity - Risk Assessment | Does the company identify processing facilities, animal proteins and feed that are produced or sourced in areas of high water stress? | All | E.g., it undertakes a risk assessment of water scarcity and discloses the locations of sites exposed to water risk. E.g., it discloses the proportion of feed and animal protein sourced and/or produced in areas of high water stress. | Fonterra discloses that 76-99% of its milk is produced in areas with water stress, and 1-10% is sourced from areas with water stress. (CDP Water Security, 2022). Emmi says it applied the “WWF Water Risk Filter” 2019 to all its production sites to identify water risk areas. It uses 12 criteria to analyse the water risks at a specific site. The analysis identified sites in Tunisia, California, Mexico and a plant in Chile as risk areas. The company conducts risk assessments every two years. (SR 2022). Mowi discloses that 5% of its feed materials are sourced from countries classified as high or extremely high stressed-water areas, such as India, Romania, or Ukraine. Of this 5%, 57% of the risk exposure comes from purchasing guar protein, followed by 30% from soy protein concentrate. The remaining 13% stems from the purchase of soybean oil (11.7%) and small amounts of organic whole grain wheat (0.8%) and sunflower meal (0.5%). (Integrated Annual Report 2022). |
Water Use & Scarcity | Water use and scarcity in facilities | Does the company disclose water withdrawals and consumption by water stress level and source at processing facilities? | All | E.g., it discloses the locations of facilities that operate in water stress. E.g., it discloses the volume of water withdrawn and consumed at these high-risk facilities. | Salmones Camanchaca discloses that it has a hatchery and processing plant in the Bio Bío Region, which has medium water stress. The company discloses that, in total, it extracted 19,920,707m³ of water for its facilities in the Bio Bio Region. (Integrated Annual Report 2022). Minerva discloses that it withdrew 587,404m³ water from water-stressed areas in Brazil. This accounts for the total water withdrawn from water-stressed regions for the company as a whole. (SR 2022). |
Water Use & Scarcity | Water use & Scarcity - feed and animal farming. | Has the company set targets to reduce water consumption and withdrawals throughout its supply chain (e.g., facilities/feed/animal farming)? | All | The company has set a time-bound target to reduce water withdrawals and consumption at its facilities and animal and feed farming operations. The company explicitly requires suppliers to implement water use reduction targets within its supplier code of conduct or similar policies. The company should also report YoY progress against the targets it has set. | Fonterra has set a target to reduce water use at sites in water-stressed regions by 30% by 2030, with 2018 as its base year. Further, the company disclosed a target this year to reduce absolute water use across manufacturing sites by 15% by 2030 from a 2018 baseline. (CDP Water 2022). RCL Foods states that water withdrawal reduction targets are set per business division. The company reports that it had set a target to achieve a 50% water reduction in chicken processing units by 2025. The company has other targets for its different business divisions and discloses 8.4% progress achieved against them. (CDP Water 2022 & Sustainable Business Report 2022). Mowi asks its suppliers of feed raw materials to complete a water risk assessment so that the company can determine their full risk profile and understand the actions needed to minimise risks linked with water use. It also requires suppliers to have a water use reduction target in its freshwater use policy. (AR 2022). |
Water Use & Scarcity | Water use and scarcity in facilities | Have water withdrawals and consumption at the aggregate level decreased at processing facilities? | All | A company should report its water withdrawals and consumption YoY and should reduce these metrics over time, particularly in areas exposed to higher water stress. | Fonterra has experienced a 2.77% decrease in water withdrawals between FY2021 and FY2022. Similarly, water consumption decreased by 9.7% in the same period. (SR2022). Yili discloses that its total water withdrawals have decreased from 38,270,000m³ to 37,700,000m³. It also reports that water consumption decreased by 1.5% compared to last year. (SR2022) |
Water Use & Scarcity | Water use & scarcity in feed and animal farming. | Does the company have plans to engage with suppliers (e.g., feed suppliers and farms) on water scarcity? | All | E.g., it provides comprehensive support/guidance to its feed and/or animal suppliers on water usage. E.g., it incentivises farmers to adopt technology or tools to manage water use better. | Muyuan invests in infrastructure that benefits farmers and provides agronomists to train them on various agricultural practices. It focuses on addressing the need to return water and fertiliser to the fields. Additionally, the company supports its value chain partners through management and capital investments. (CSR & ESG Report 2022) Lerøy Seafood has made a water conservation and efficiency plan for each feed supplier, including risk assessments based on the WRI Aqueduct, monitoring water stress, setting KPIs to reduce withdrawals and improve water quality, and implementing preventive actions. (Lerøy website 2022) |
Water Use & Scarcity | Water use & scarcity in feed. | Does the company invest in sustainable feed production that leads to groundwater replenishment and reduced water use? | All | E.g., it is investing in pilot projects to support farmers who employ regenerative agricultural practices. E.g., it is helping farmers diversify or rotate crops and move away from monoculture. E.g., it is supporting farmers in developing cover crops. | Australian Agricultural Co. is undertaking trials of slow rotational grazing techniques which incorporate sizeable windows of rest into the system, which expands pasture recovery and regrowth opportunities, encourages more durable ground cover levels, and enhances soil health. The company also invests in soil rehabilitation programs to reduce surface water runoff and increase water infiltration and retention. (AR & SR 2022) Muyuan is investigating the combination of feed crop and livestock farming, utilising biogas slurry as fertiliser to create a circular system. Wastewater is used for irrigation needs to reduce water withdrawals and water scarcity risks. (CSR & ESG Report 2022) |
Waste & Pollution | Animal Farming | Does the company calculate and disclose the total amount of animal litter and manure generated (in tonnes) throughout its animal farming operations (either direct control or suppliers)? | Land-based | N/A | |
Waste & Pollution | Animal Farming | Does the company have a verified manure management plan in place? Does the company have plans to engage with farm suppliers on manure management? | Land-based | Companies should have manure management plans in place which have been verified by a third party. It should require protein suppliers to have nutrient management plans in place for the application or spraying of manure and engage its suppliers to improve manure management. | Maple Leaf reports that 100% of the manure was applied with a site-specific nutrient management plan developed by a certified agrologist. However, for the animal proteins the company sources from third parties, it does not disclose whether it only purchases animal proteins from farms with a nutrient management system. BRF provides annual support and guidance for all the integrated producers concerning the correct management of the waste generated on the property. |
Waste & Pollution | Animal Farming | Does the company discuss innovation in feed to reduce the quantity of nutrients excreted from manure? Does the company subsidise the transportation of manure to nutrient-poor watersheds? | Land-based | E.g., it uses feed additives that reduce the quantity of nutrients excreted by livestock, thereby reducing the pollution potential of manure. E.g., it is investing in biodigesters and has a plan to handle slurry sustainably to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus pollution from manure | Charoen Pokhand Foods has developed an environmentally friendly swine feed that can reduce excess nitrogen from swine excretion by 20-30%. In addition, the company has developed a feed formula for laying hens that reduced nitrogen in manure by 12-13%. (Charoen Pokhand Foods Website 2023). A subsidiary of WH Group has partnered with a private fertiliser company to develop commercial-grade fertiliser, which can then be used on the company's own feed crops. (Smithfield Website 2018) COFCO Joycome has implemented a project to transport manure to nutrient-poor sandy soils to grow alfalfa (a feed crop). This improves crop yields and soil structure, reducing desertification risk. (ESG Report 2022) |
Waste & Pollution | Animal Farming | Does the company provide evidence of a community engagement plan? | Land-based | The company shows evidence of community engagement in relation to the company's pollution impacts. | Fonterra has an extensive programme to address water impacts and risks. It has six commitments on water, the fourth of which is to work together (i.e., with communities) to improve waterway health. Actions include working with others to improve wetlands and working with regional councils to develop action plans for 50 catchments. The company also discloses working with land users and the local community to help them achieve their priorities. These include water quality and freshwater biodiversity, predator management, and related terrestrial biodiversity. The company states that it has delivered 88% of the 146 agreed partnership actions in four years. (Fonterra Website 2021, SR 2022) Thaifoods discloses that it holds discussions with surrounding communities to reduce risks that may arise for the company and community and to solve common water problems. One company branch is a member of a provincial campaign group, which campaigns for the agricultural industry to realise the importance of water resource problems, including water pollution. (SR2022) |
Waste & Pollution | Feed Production | Does the company have a sustainable agriculture policy that addresses nutrient pollution or fertiliser use in feed supply chains? | All | The company includes nutrient management plans as a part of its supplier code of conduct and/or contractual agreement. | No company demonstrates best practices as per our methodology. However, Hormel has a sustainable agricultural policy for feed grain growers that states the importance of developing a nutrient management plan specific to its conditions. The policy is meant to eliminate runoff linked to improper fertiliser, pesticide and herbicide use. |
Waste & Pollution | Feed Production | Does the company have a requirement to only purchase feed from farms with a nutrient management plan in place? Does the company have plans to engage with feed suppliers on nutrient pollution/fertiliser use? | All | Companies have strict requirements for nutrient management plans to be in place for its own feed production, feed suppliers production, or the feed supply of livestock suppliers. This requirement should apply to major commodities representing the largest proportion of feed ingredients. Companies with feed farming operations disclose projects or technologies used to manage nutrient pollution from feed farming. Those that do not own feed farming operations should support, incentivise or engage suppliers to grow/source feed that is produced in a way that manages or limits nutrient pollution. | No company demonstrates best practices as per our methodology about only purchasing feed from suppliers or producing feed with a nutrient management plan in place. Examples of the best-performing companies are below, but these are NOT examples of best practice. Tyson has set a target to improve land stewardship practices on 2 million acres of row crop corn by the end of 2025. The company engaged with the Farmers Business Network and Environmental Defense Fund to execute pilot projects. (CDP Forests 2022) China Modern Dairy describes investment in shallow-buried drip irrigation technology where water is directly supplied to plant roots, reducing water and nutrient waste. The company also disclosed information about projects where organic fertiliser sourced from cattle manure is applied to crops. The company states that this can substantially reduce the amount of chemical fertiliser applied to lands. (ESG Report 2022) |
Waste & Pollution | Processing Facilities | Has the company conducted a risk assessment to identify high-risk locations from a pollution perspective? | All | Companies undertake a water risk assessment, for example, using WRI's Aqueduct tool, which considers water quality risks. The company then discloses the number and locations of sites which operate in at-risk areas. | Marfrig discloses a list of facilities where water stress, in terms of quantity and quality, has been identified through a water-risk assessment based on the WRI Aqueduct tool. These facilities collectively represent 31% of the company's operating units. (CDP Water 2022) Lerøy discloses using the WRI Aqueduct tool, including an assessment of water quality risk and subsequently identified four facilities operating in low-medium and medium to high-risk areas. Three are located in low to medium risk (Lerøy Italy Srl, Lerøy Smøgen Seafood AB and Lerøy Kungelv AB (Sweden)), and one is in a medium to high-risk area (Lerøy Turkey). (Lerøy Website 2022) |
Waste & Pollution | Processing Facilities | Does the company measure the quality and volume of discharged wastewater? | All | The company should disclose standard effluent metrics, e.g., nitrogen loading rate, biological oxygen demand, and nitrogen concentration (mg/L) for the current year across all operations. Further, wastewater discharge quality should be within World Bank minimum standards. | Marfrig mentions that it measures and monitors wastewater quality at 100% of its operating units. The company discloses a Biochemical Oxygen Demand of 46.5 mg/L in 2022. (SR2022) Beijing Sanyuan Foods discloses the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of wastewater alongside the ammonia nitrogen discharge for its major subsidiaries. The company measures emission concentration in mg/L and reports the total emissions in tons. (AR2022) |
Waste & Pollution | Processing Facilities | Has the company set targets to improve the quality of wastewater and reduce the amount that is discharged? | All | The company has set a time-bound target to reduce the volume of wastewater discharged from its operations. Also, it has a time-bound target to improve the quality of wastewater discharged. | Marfrig has a target to reduce wastewater discharge by 15% by 2035, with 2020 as its baseline year. Reductions in the discharge of wastewater have been redistributed across operational units, taking into consideration the water situation of each unit. The company reports a significant improvement in its wastewater quality, with levels dropping from 114.24 mg/L in 2021 to 46.5 mg/L in 2022, representing a 59% improvement. (SR 2022) |
Waste & Pollution | Processing Facilities | Has the company seen an improvement in the quality and/or a decrease in the volume of wastewater at the aggregate level? | All | The company should reduce the volume whilst improving the quality of the wastewater it discharges. | Want Want China Holdings, a China-based protein producer, disclosed that its wastewater discharge decreased from 7,375,568 tons in FY2021 to 6,824,366 tons in FY2022, representing a decrease of 7.47%. Further, it disclosed that its COD emissions improved from 288 tons COD in FY2021 to 252 tons COD in FY2022. (ESG Report 2022) |
Waste & Pollution | Nutrient Management in Aquaculture | Has the company conducted a risk assessment to identify high-risk locations from a pollution perspective? | Aquaculture | The company should have undertaken a risk assessment from a pollution perspective and discloses sites identified as operating in locations sensitive to nutrient pollution. | Thai Union has conducted a risk assessment using Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas 3.0, developed by the World Resources Institute. The company has assessed its Tier 1 suppliers and mentions that it has been working with them on this topic as part of its Sustainable Supply Chain Management, which includes education and supplier audits concerning water. The company has found that 69 of its critical Tier 1 suppliers are located where “Untreated Connected Wastewater” is present. (Thai Union Website 2023) Mowi states that it conducts a risk assessment for any potential new suppliers as part of its onboarding process. The scope of this policy is global and includes all business areas: feed, farming and sales and marketing. (Biodiversity and Natural Capital Policy 2023) |
Waste & Pollution | Nutrient Management in Aquaculture | Does the company have a strategy to eliminate faecal matter that is above normal levels, as well as uneaten feed that is deposited on the seabed? | Aquaculture | The company should disclose strategies and technologies used to eliminate organic loading in the surrounding environment. | Grieg Seafood discloses the use of farm fallowing to allow seabed recovery. Details are provided about the region-specific fallowing strategies. Additionally, the company discloses some information about using geospatial modelling to determine optimum farm locations. (AR 2022; Grieg Website 2023) |
Waste & Pollution | Nutrient Management in Aquaculture | Does the company provide evidence of a community engagement plan? | Aquaculture | The company shows evidence of a community engagement strategy to identify and engage key stakeholders in communities next to their animal farming facilities, including regular meetings to discuss the impacts of operations on residents. | Mowi discloses a community engagement policy that specifically mentions sharing information with local populations on the environmental performance of sites. The company also lists engaging local communities on pollution matters in its ESG priority matrix. (Mowi Community Engagement Policy 2023) |
Antibiotics | Policy on antibiotics use | Does the company have a policy or commitment on the use of antibiotics? Has the company committed to no routine use or no use for growth promotion of medically important antibiotics (MIAs), critically important antibiotics (CIAs) or the highest priority critically important antibiotics (HP-CIAs)? | All | The company has a policy stipulating that antibiotics are only used to treat animals in the event of a clinical diagnosis from a veterinarian (i.e., the company prohibits the routine use of antibiotics) and explicitly discloses supplementary animal welfare measures. The company has a policy stipulating that antibiotics are not used in any species for disease prevention, growth promotion, feed efficiency or weight gain and explicitly discloses supplementary animal welfare measures. The company also has a No Antibiotics Ever (NAE) policy and explicit disclosure of supplementary animal welfare measures. | Inghams Group has an Antibiotic Stewardship Policy that outlines responsible antibiotic use guidelines. It prohibits antibiotics for growth promotion or routine use for disease prevention. Antibiotics are administered solely for treating designated diseases and upon a veterinarian's prescription. The policy restricts the use of antibiotics considered critical for human medicine. The company prioritises preventative health measures, such as vaccination, above the use of antibiotics and is dedicated to exploring antibiotic alternatives. (Antibiotics Stewardship Policy, 2022) Grieg Seafood states it does not routinely use antibiotics and resorts to antibiotics to treat bacterial diseases when fish health and welfare are threatened. The company's policy covers all types of antibiotics and applies to all operations. (Sustainable Farming -Use of Antibiotics, 2021) Scandi Standard maintains a zero-tolerance policy for antibiotic usage associated with compromised animal welfare. It prohibits the use of antibiotics that are important and critical for human medicine. Antibiotics are solely administered to chicken flocks in cases of significant bacteriological issues or to alleviate animal suffering, and their usage is strictly regulated under veterinary prescription. (Antibiotics Policy of Scandi Standard, 2020) |
Antibiotics | Policy on antibiotics use | Does the policy apply to all animal proteins produced by the company, including animals sourced from external suppliers? | All | The company stipulates the type of protein covered by the policy. The company has a "no antibiotics ever" policy, which applies to all operations. The company clearly stipulates in its approach that it prohibits the routine use of antibiotics, including for growth promotion, or that it prohibits growth promotion. | Bakkafrost, a Norway-based aquaculture company, ceased using antibiotics in the Faroe Islands and Scotland in 2004 and 2010, respectively. The company conducts proactive measures in these locations, including programs to enhance fish health, collaborations with the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) for anticipatory actions, and the organisation of welfare awareness months and animal welfare workshops (SR, 2022). Cranswick, a UK-based meat producer, has a company-wide antibiotics policy that emphasises the responsible use of antibiotics within supply chains and aligns with guidelines set by the EMA and the policies of the RUMA Alliance. The company strictly regulates the use of all types of antibiotics and prohibits their routine use, including for growth promotion. Additionally, it is committed to the continual review, improvement, and rigorous enforcement of its antimicrobial policies (Group Antimicrobial Resistance Policy, 2023). Thaifoods, a Thailand-based producer of multiple animal proteins, has a clear antibiotics policy which applies to all operations, using them only for therapeutic purposes under veterinarian guidance and prohibiting their use for prevention or growth promotion (Sustainable Finance Framework, 2021). |
Antibiotics | Policy on antibiotics use | What steps has the company taken to improve welfare and reduce the need for antibiotics? | All | The company discloses prophylactic measures directly aimed at preventing virological and bacteriological diseases, which indirectly reduces the need for antibiotics. | BRF has adopted numerous measures to improve animal welfare and curtail antibiotic use. These include adhering to biosecurity procedures, eschewing prophylaxis in poultry production, exploring antibiotic alternatives such as vaccines, prebiotics, and probiotics, applying artificial intelligence, and ensuring continuous staff training. (IR, 2022) Cranswick employs multiple measures to curtail disease occurrence, including vaccination and biosecurity protocols to mitigate risks in pig and poultry farms. The company upholds policies against confinement across all species and refrains from practices such as pig castration, tail docking in cows and piglets, teeth clipping/grinding, and poultry beak trimming. Additionally, Cranswick is committed to ensuring species-specific living conditions and environmental enrichments. (AR, 2023; Animal Welfare Policy, 2023) Mowi states that it has adopted a holistic approach to reduce disease occurrence in farm-raised salmon. Their strategies encompass employee training, plankton monitoring with corresponding mitigation, ensuring pristine water conditions, optimising feed and its administration, vigilant fish behaviour observation, enforcing biosecurity protocols, prioritising disease prevention alongside veterinary care, committing to judicious antibiotics use, vaccinating all fish against bacterial and viral threats, and upholding high standards of husbandry. (Policy on antimicrobial agents, 2023) |
Antibiotics | Disclosure of quantities of antibiotics used. | What data does the company collect on antibiotics use in its own operations and from its suppliers? Is this data audited by a third party? | All | The company reports either a complete absence of antibiotic use during the reporting period or provides details about the quantity used in its operations and supply chain, presented in industry-standard units or as a percentage of animals treated. Furthermore, it discloses the specific types or classes of antibiotics administered, with justifications such as disease outbreaks or bacterial infections. The company also notes a year-on-year decrease in antibiotic use and identifies the third party responsible for auditing this data. | Multiexport Foods notes a decrease in antibiotic use for Atlantic Salmon, from 402g per tonne in 2021 to 322g per tonne in 2022, with the data verified by Control Union. Only two types of medically important antimicrobials were utilised during this period: oxytetracycline and florfenicol. Nonetheless, the company recognises that vaccinations have not effectively curbed bacterial diseases like SRS (Salmon Rickettsial Syndrome) and BKD (Bacterial Kidney Disease). (SR, 2022) Grieg Seafood discloses antibiotic usage as grams per tonne of fish and notes specific quantities of Profenicol and Florfenicol used in the reporting year. It also provides regional breakdowns and cites a decrease in antibiotic use from 46.67g per tonne LWE in FY2021 to 41.4g in FY2022. Audits are conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers AS. (AR, 2022) Marfrig Global Foods has reported a reduction in the proportion of animals treated with antibiotics at its Uruguay facility, moving from 3.48% in 2021 to 3.23% in 2022. While it documented a usage rate of 0.290 mg of antibiotics per kilogram of slaughtered animal in 2022, this marked a minor uptick from 0.234 mg/kg the previous year, attributed to diarrhoea outbreaks among calves. (SR, 2022) |
Animal Welfare | Animal Welfare Policy | Does the company avoid the close confinement of animals? If not, does the company have any time-bound goals or plans to end the close confinement of animals? | Land-based | Eggs: cage-free, with a maximum density of nine hens/m². Poultry: cage-free, with a maximum stocking density of 30kg/m². Pork: prohibits the use of gestation crates, with dry sows and gilts needing to be housed in groups. Dairy: the percentage of time spent on pasture versus stable is disclosed, and tethering is prohibited, though exceptions are granted where it is short-term. Beef: pasture rearing throughout the entire lifecycle. | LDC reports enhancements in barn facilities and space allocation, resulting in a 10% reduction in density from previous benchmarks. In 2022, over a fifth of the chickens processed by the group's poultry division in France were either outdoor-reared or had sheltered exterior access. By 2025, the company aspires for all associate farms to comply with the EU Better Chicken Commitment, which sets a 30 kg/m² ceiling stocking density. However, the current average stocking density for the LDC group is 36.6 kg/m². (Policy for Improving the Welfare and Health of Farm Animals, 2022) Cranswick is committed to eliminating close confinement for all species across its operations and supply chain. Moreover, it confirms that all pork from its owned farms is produced without employing gestation crates. (Animal Welfare Policy, 2023; AR, 2023) Fonterra strictly forbids close confinement of animals throughout its operations and supply chain. Additionally, it focuses on pasture-based farming, ensuring cows are on pasture for at least 90% of their time. (Fonterra "Caring for animals" webpage, 2023) Minerva expressly commits to avoiding close confinement; it notes that cattle breeding in Latin America relies wholly on pasture. Strategies employing semi-confinement and pasture confinement are adopted, ensuring animals have pasture access. In 2022, a substantial proportion of the cattle procured were pasture-raised. (SR, 2022; Animal Welfare Report, 2023; Animal Welfare Program, 2020). |
Animal Welfare | Animal Welfare Policy | Does the company commit to avoiding long distance transportation? | Land-based | Transport time must be limited to a maximum of eight hours per land-based trip and 24 hours if accompanied by a veterinarian. The company discloses that all species, across its operations and supply chains are transported within the maximum recommended time of 8 hours. Alternatively, the company provides the average annual transport duration, broken down either by species or by geographic location. | Marfrig articulates a commitment to minimising long-distance transportation, explicitly aiming to limit overland journeys for cattle to eight hours or less. The company is persistently working to enhance the proportion of cattle adhering to this criterion. In 2022, 77% of the cattle processed at Marfrig's facilities in South America successfully met this time constraint. (SR, 2022; Animal Welfare Policy, 2022) Cranswick formally asserts its commitment to minimising the duration of livestock transportation, ensuring that no journey exceeds an eight-hour time frame. (Animal Welfare Policy, 2023) LDC reveals that most of its abattoirs are strategically located close to clusters of farms, thereby facilitating the reduction of long-distance animal transport. Consequently, the average travel duration has been curtailed to less than three hours, and no journey extends beyond the eight-hour limit. (Welfare, health and Respect for Farm Animals Improvement Policy, 2022) |
Animal Welfare | Animal Welfare Policy | Does the company commit to humane slaughtering methods (i.e., stunning)? | Land-based | All species, including Dairy cattle and laying hens, are adequately stunned prior to slaughter. Waterbath stunning should not be used for broiler chickens; instead, the company must employ controlled atmospheric stunning using an inert gas, multi-phase systems or effective electrical stunning without live inversion. | LDC states it universally implements pre-slaughter stunning across all production lines, including ritual slaughter practices. Utilising methods such as electronarcosis or controlled atmosphere stunning, the company ensures that each animal is stunned prior to slaughter. (AR, 2022; Welfare, Health and Respect for Animals Improvement Policy, 2022) Maple Leaf is committed to ethical slaughter methods, necessitating pre-slaughter stunning for all livestock and underscoring the significance of backup stunning procedures. The company adopted a controlled atmosphere stunning for broiler chickens and employs carbon dioxide stunning for pigs to guarantee humane conditions during the slaughtering process. (Animal Care Performance Report, 2022) Mowi adopts advanced welfare practices in the stunning techniques utilised during the harvesting process. The company employs percussive stunning, universally acknowledged as a humane method, for salmon across all farming locations. Additionally, a contingency plan is operational in instances where automated percussive stunning is ineffective for individual salmon. Specifically, trained personnel manually execute percussive stunning to ensure that each fish receives humane treatment throughout the process. (Policy on Salmon Welfare, 2023) |
Animal Welfare | Animal Welfare Policy | Does the company commit to avoiding routine mutilation (examples of mutilation: beak trimming, tail docking, surgical castration, teeth clipping, branding, dehorning)? | Land-based | Pork: No routine tail docking or surgical castration is permitted; instead, immunocastration must be used or intact males must be raised. Tail docking may only be used as a last resort when all risk factor mitigation measures have failed to prevent tail-biting behaviour. Producers must have a management plan to prevent and address tail biting without resorting to tail docking. Beef: No dehorning is permitted. Anaesthesia and prolonged analgesia must always be used when disbudding. Poultry: No routine beak trimming for poultry is permitted. | LDC outlines an aspiration to curtail routine mutilations and other animal interventions by concentrating on developing alternative approaches. By the close of 2021, the company projected that 86% of all reared and slaughtered animals would be exempt from such procedures. (Welfare, Health and Respect for Animals Improvement Policy, 2022) Cranswick articulates a steadfast commitment to eschewing routine procedures, including tail docking, teeth clipping and castration for pigs; beak trimming for poultry; and tail docking for cows. (Animal Welfare Policy, 2023) |
Animal Welfare | Animal Welfare Policy | Does the company have a policy against barren and unsuitable environments? Does it provide outdoor access, bedding/enrichment material and clean air? | Land-based | Beef: Cattle must be kept outdoors on grass during the growing season except when weather conditions cause detriment to welfare. Dairy: Appropriate bedding, such as straw or sand, must be provided indoors, and access to pasture is considered best practice. Pork: Enrichment materials must be provided to enable natural behaviour. Depending on climatic conditions, bedding material shall be provided to guarantee physical and thermal comfort. Poultry: At least two metres of usable perch space and two pecking substrates per 1,000 birds. At least 50 lux of light, including natural light. On air quality, the concentration of ammonia (NH3) must not exceed 20 ppm, and the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) must not exceed 3,000 ppm, measured at the level of the chickens’ heads. Eggs: Dustbathing shall be enabled by covering at least one-third of the floor space with litter. Foraging shall be enabled by providing enrichment materials (e.g., scattered grains and hay bales) throughout all stages of production. On air quality, the ammonia (NH3) concentration must not exceed 20 ppm. Access to pasture is considered best practice. | Cranswick demonstrates a steadfast commitment to species-specific environmental enrichment and mandates that all suppliers adhere to these enrichment protocols, irrespective of species or geographical location. Within poultry facilities, the company ensures the availability of fresh bales, perches, and toys as forms of enrichment. In the case of pigs sourced from the UK, Cranswick stipulates continual access to a diverse range of environmental enrichments, including but not limited to straw, wood, footballs, and deformable-plastic pipes, to cater to their behavioural needs. Moreover, the company mandates that chickens supplied within the UK have uninterrupted access to environmental enrichments such as bales or boxes, perches or platforms, and pecking objects from their seventh day of life. (Animal Welfare Policy, 2023) Maple Leaf is committed to enhancing animal well-being by providing environmental enrichment designed to encourage natural behaviours, alleviate boredom, and improve overall welfare. The company has deployed enrichments like hanging toys and burlap for pigs within their ownership. Additionally, field trials have been undertaken for broilers, incorporating enrichments that support pecking, perching, and hiding behaviours. Bedding is also provided in open barns designated for broiler chickens, broiler breeders, and turkeys to facilitate dustbathing. In 2022, the company disclosed that approximately 5% of broiler chickens and 39% of pigs across their global supply chain were afforded such environmental enrichments. (Animal Care Performance Report, 2022) |
Animal Welfare | Do the company's animal welfare policies and commitments apply to all animals, including those sourced from suppliers? | Land-based | N/A | ||
Animal Welfare | Animal Welfare Policy | Does the company commit to using higher welfare (i.e., slower-growing) poultry breeds? | Poultry | The company discloses the specific names and characteristics of the breeds utilised throughout its operations and supply chain. | LDC is actively engaged in the evaluation of novel strains and the development of slow-growing chicken breeds, indicating a strategic shift away from breeds prone to anatomical or metabolic issues. Moreover, a notable 32% of the chickens raised by the company conform to the RSPCA's guidelines for high-welfare breeds. (Welfare, Health and Respect for Animal Improvement Policy, 2022) |
Animal Welfare | Animal Welfare Assurance & Certification | Does the company regularly conduct internal and/or external on-farm auditing of animal welfare standards and practices? What certifications/assurance programmes does it use? What % of operations are audited externally? | Land-based | The company transparently discloses the specific animal welfare certifications it holds for each species and the respective percentages of animals covered under these certifications. Additionally, the geographic scope of these certifications is clearly delineated. | Cranswick discloses that 79% of the pork originating from their farms meets RSPCA standards ('higher tier' welfare programme), while 100% adheres to Red Tractor standards (a 'low tier' welfare programme). Additionally, 100% of the poultry produced complies with Red Tractor standards. (AR, 2022) |
Animal Welfare | Aquatic Animal Welfare | Does the company discuss stocking densities for salmon? Is this lower than 17kg/m3 for salmon at all times? | Aquaculture | The company states that it consistently maintains a stocking density below 17 kg/m³ at all times across all operations. | Salmones Camanchaca discloses that the farming density for Atlantic Salmon stands at 9.5 kg/m³, and for Coho Salmon, it is 5.6 kg/m³. Both figures are notably below the threshold of 17 kg/m³. (IR, 2022) |
Animal Welfare | Aquatic Animal Welfare | Does the company have a handling policy that has been designed explicitly to safeguard animal welfare? | Aquaculture | The company maintains a comprehensive handling policy for all aquatic species, applicable across its operations and supply chain. It transparently discloses details of these handling protocols and outlines the training procedures undertaken by personnel involved in handling processes. | Mowi's Global Salmon Welfare Policy, applicable across all farming operations, emphasises the importance of minimising handling. To achieve this, the company employs standardised protocols and utilises approved anaesthetics to mitigate stress in the salmon. In addition, Mowi mandates strict animal welfare practices among its suppliers and offers regular welfare training to its international workforce. (Animal Welfare Policy, 0221) |
Animal Welfare | Aquatic Animal Welfare | Does the company undertake any other welfare monitoring (e.g. the proportion of fish at sea without any lesions/wounds)? | Aquaculture | The company systematically reports a range of animal welfare metrics and discloses performance data against these metrics, spanning multiple reporting periods for all operations and the supply chain. | Multiexport systematically monitors and publicly discloses critical metrics, including optimal stocking densities, the prevalence of fish with injuries or wounds at sea, and oxygen supply levels during transportation. (SR, 2022) Grieg Seafood articulates its commitment to animal welfare by maintaining a 97.5% to 98.5% water to 2.5% to 1.5% fish biomass ratio within its seawater pens, facilitating comfort, natural behaviour and a healthy growth cycle for its fish. Furthermore, the company operates a comprehensive fish welfare monitoring system. This system daily assesses a range of indicators, including fish density, mortality rates, appetite, the presence of moribund fish, sea lice levels, and water quality at every facility, either manually by staff or through digital tools. ("Fish density on our farms" webpage, 2023; "Fish health and welfare" webpage, 2023) Salmones Camanchaca specifies animal welfare monitoring indicators tailored to each production phase. These include metrics such as pre-slaughter fish mortality, health and disease indicators, the incidence of injuries and wounds, stocking density and additional relevant metrics. (IR, 2022) Mowi discloses information concerning maximum salmon stocking densities within the framework of its welfare monitoring programme. According to the data, the average monthly stocking density was 7.4 kg/m³ in 2022, 7.5 kg/m³ in 2021, and 8.1 kg/m³ in 2020. Additionally, the company reveals that approximately 99% of the farmed salmon remained unaffected by sores, wounds, or lesions during this period. (Policy on Salmon Welfare, 2023) Bakkafrost reveals that its operations in the Faroe Islands adhere to Faroese legislation. In contrast, its Scottish operations comply with guidance from regulatory authorities, namely Marine Scotland and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). These operations meet the criteria set forth by Global GAP, BAP, and the Code of Good Practice. The company further specifies that the average stocking density in its Faroe Islands operation stands at 6.79 kg/m³, and in its Scottish operation, it is 8.31 kg/m³. Additionally, Bakkafrost provides data on survival rates and sea lice counts. (SR, 2022) |
Working Conditions | Human Rights Policy & Due Diligence | Does the company have a publicly available policy commitment to respect all internationally recognised human rights as articulated by the International Bill of Human Rights and the core ILO conventions? | All | The company discloses a comprehensive policy commitment to respect all internationally recognised human rights as articulated by the International Bill of Human Rights and the core ILO conventions, which cover its entire operations. The policy should be approved at the most senior level. It should also stipulate the enterprise's human rights expectations of personnel and suppliers and be publicly available and communicated internally and externally to all personnel and suppliers. | N/A |
Working Conditions | Human Rights Policy & Due Diligence | How does the company assess and monitor potential and actual human rights risks? Does it provide evidence of remediation where violations were found? | All | The company discloses a human rights due diligence process covering its entire operations that includes reviewing country dynamics, mapping supply chains, identifying direct and indirect causes, ranking risks by severity and likelihood, and the company should validate its list of salient human rights issues with potentially affected stakeholders. Best practice regarding monitoring could be in the form of a continuous and ongoing due diligence process as described above or human rights audits. The company undergoes external audits which follow an internally recognised ethical audit methodology, such as the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA). Audits cover all the company's operations and its suppliers. The company should also describe how it identifies the next steps of action that arise from the monitoring process, such as determining the role of the company with respect to any risks identified (i.e. causing, contributing or linked to it) and the related responsibility (i.e. using leverage, taking action, providing remedy). The company should also disclose whether it has found any human rights violations through the assessment and monitoring processes. If so, it should provide evidence of remediation, which includes engaging with workers impacted (directly or through their representatives) and taking action to prevent harm and human rights violations, having identified which working practices (could) drive human rights abuses. | Lerøy Seafood has implemented a due diligence approach to assess human rights risks across its operations. This involved risk mapping focussing on industrial, geographical, product/service, and company risk. Based on this mapping, the company has prioritised risks according to severity and probability, with the prioritised risks being further assessed. Furthermore, the company conducts regular physical audits of larger suppliers and performs risk-based assessments of its supply chain. When identifying follow-up measures to identified risks, the company considers its involvement and responsibility and the nature of the negative impact. Risks will be allocated to a responsible person, and a deadline will be set should any risk-reducing measures be required. The company discovered no human rights abuses or significant risks during its due diligence process. Furthermore, despite identifying no significant risk in its operations, the company has implemented preventative measures targeting areas it has prioritised based on the due diligence process. For example, to reduce the risk of discrimination and workplace harassment, the company has set a target to increase the proportion of women in management positions, entered into an agreement with Norwegian fishing organisations to prevent all forms of harassment and stated that it conducts a regular employee survey to assess employees experience of the workplace. Thai Union explains how it assesses the potential human rights risks. The company conducted human rights risk assessments in FY2022, which included a combination of methods, such as vessel audits, social audits of factories, welfare committee consultations, desk-based research and supply chain mapping. Furthermore, it ranks each region where it operates into high, medium and low priority categories based on its assessments across labour trafficking, forced labour, child labour, and labour rights violations. In addition, the company monitors and reviews respect for human rights in its operations through internal audits and audits from third parties, such as ETI and SMETA. These audits assess the company's facilities against labour laws, business ethics, the company code of conduct and its Ethical Migrant Recruitment Policy. Based on the audit results, the facility management team must submit a time-bound remedial action plan to address non-compliance issues. In the company's supply chain, annual self-assessment questionnaires are conducted. This is used to identify high-risk and medium-risk suppliers which will undergo independent third-party audits. The company states that suppliers will undergo course-correcting measures if necessary, and the company may terminate its relationship with suppliers. The company also collaborates with various NGOs and labour unions to mitigate risk to improve human rights due diligence activities and training. In addition, the company has established various capacity-building programs for its suppliers to mitigate risk in its supply chain. Remediation Nissui identified three potential high-priority human rights risks through its due diligence process: forced and child labour relating to raw materials of marine product procurement, the work environment of foreign technical intern trainees in Japan, and labour safety and health in fisheries and aquaculture. The company remedies issues relating to the working environment of foreign technical intern trainees by conducting appropriate training, writing contracts and disseminating information in a language that all foreign workers can understand. |
Working Conditions | Fair Working Conditions | Does the company promote fair wages? | All | The company commits to paying all employees at least living wage and provides evidence of enusuring that this commitment is upheld. | Multiexport Foods discloses that it guarantees fair remuneration to its employees. An extensive remuneration study and analysis conducted by the company in collaboration with a third party determined that all company employees receive a salary more significant than the current cost of living. Furthermore, the company has initiated a plan to increase the fixed incomes of their employees in the farming sector to provide more excellent income stability. Salmones Camanchaca states that employees are critical to its business and should be paid a living wage. To ensure each employee receives a living wage, the company bases its minimum salary calculations on the Anker Method, a leading living wage calculation methodology promoted by the Global Living Wage Coalition. |
Working Conditions | Fair Working Conditions | Does the company conduct third-party audits to monitor compliance with policies on fair working conditions in both direct operations and the supply chain? | All | The company discloses it monitors compliance with policies on fair working conditions through third-party audits conducted in line with internationally recognised ethical audit procedures such as the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA). | Cranswick discloses it prohibits abuse, discrimination, forced labour and child labour in its operations and supply chain. All company sites undergo SMETA audits To ensure compliance with these policies. Similarly, suppliers are monitored continuously through the audits carried out by the group's Group Technical Services (GTS) team or third parties such as Sedex and the BRCGS Food Safety Standard. Thai Union discloses it prohibits abuse, discrimination, forced labour and child labour in its operations and monitors compliance through external verifications and audits by third-party certification bodies, which include the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) Base Code, Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX). In addition, the company prohibits abuse, discrimination, forced labour and child labour in its supply chain and monitors compliance with these policies through labour risk assessments and social audits. |
Working Conditions | Fair Working Conditions | Does that company have a grievance mechanism in place for both direct operations and suppliers? | All | The company provides a description of a grievance mechanism in place for its own operations and supply chain. It clearly explains how grievances are reported, investigated and resolved. Mechanisms have the option for anonymous reporting and are designed in consultation with relevant stakeholders such as employees and unions. The company also discloses the number of grievances it received during the reporting year and breaks these down into categories that include health and safety and violations of worker rights. | Charoen Pokhand Foods have a griveance mechanism open to employees and external stakeholders. It is operated by LPN, a third party, and allows for annonymous complaints, reccommendations and information requests. Furthermore, the company has established a welfare committee, through which employees can raise suggestions, queries and concerns to improve their working conditions. The company discloses that in 2022, it received one complaint through the hotline operated by LPN and 91 cases through other channels. The company categorised 15 of the 91 grievances into fraud, non-compliance and corruption/bribery. The company clearly mentions that no complaints were related to human rights violations. |
Working Conditions | Safety and Turnover data | Does the company discuss its commitment to protecting the health and safety of all its workers and hold a health and safety certification? Does it also disclose the % of facilities/sites with health and safety committee with worker representatives? | All | The company commits to protecting the health and safety of all its workers by preventing work-related injuries. The company has an occupational health and safety management system in place covering all its oeprations that is certfied according to standards such as ISO 45001 or OHSAS 18001. It also discloses that it has occupational health and safety committees comprised of worker represenntatives at all of its facilities. | Maple Leaf discloses that workplace occupational health and safety (OHS) is a top priority and aims to achieve zero occupational injuries. The company has also worked with a third party to monitor OHSAS 18001 requirements and measure OHS performance. It has various certifications, ensuring its OHS management system meets regional standards, including the Government of Alberta's Certificate of Recognition for its sites in Alberta and the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's (WSIB) Health and Safety Excellence Program for its locations in Ontario. Furthermore, the company's laboratories are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited and audited annually. In addition, the company discloses that all of its sites have a Joint Health and Safety Committee comprised of management and employees. |
Working Conditions | Freedom of Association | Does the company have a statement or policy on the right to freedom of association/unionisation and collective bargaining? | All | The company provides a high-level statement committing to respect its employees' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, which covers its entire operations. It also describes actions taken to demonstrate that it actively respects and supports the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining across the organisation's operations, suppliers and geographies. | Marfrig acknowledges and respects all its employees' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining and expects suppliers to do the same. It also discloses the unionisation rates by region. The unionisation rate is 75.54% in Argentina, 65% in Uruguay, 58% in the United States, 38% in Brazil and 0% in Chile. The company also provides specific details on supporting workers' rights in most countries. For example, Brazil ensures union collective bargaining agreements cover all employees. It facilitates the dissemination of information about unions and collective bargaining through bulletin boards and provides spaces for union membership campaigns. Similarly, the company offers employees physical space and time to participate in elections or assemblies in Argentina. China Modern Dairy cannot legally promote freedom of association but offers its employees alternative forms of representation. For example, it has established an employee congress to promote communication between employees, the labour union, and upper management. It also promotes collective negotiation through bulletin boards and labour dispute coordination committees. Moreover, the company expects its suppliers to follow its supplier code of conduct, which includes an expectation to respect the right of all employees to form and join unions and engage in collective bargaining voluntarily. |
Food Safety | Disclosure, commitments and supplier policy | What proportion of processing facilities holds a GFSI-recognised certification? Does this include a requirement that extends to all of its suppliers? | All | 100% of facilities hold a GFSI-recognised certification in the reporting period. Suppliers are required to hold GFSI-recognised certification. | Cal-Maine discloses that 100% of its processing facilities attained SQF certification, a GFSI-recognised programme. The company requires its suppliers to provide evidence of certification by presenting an SQF Certificate of Conformance before purchasing and delivering outside suppliers’ fresh shell eggs. In 2022, over 99% of finished eggs purchased by the company and processed by external suppliers carried an SQF certification. (SR 2022) Bakkafrost's entire Faroese value chain is GlobalGAP certified. Further, its Scottish operations achieved BAP and BRC certification. The company is vertically integrated and states that all facilities from fishmeal and fish oil production are GLobalGAP certified. (SR 2022) Maple Leaf discloses that 100% of meat production facilities are BRC or SQF-certified. Further, the plant-based protein facilities in the US are either certified to the BRC standard or are still on the certification journey. It requires all suppliers to hold GFSI-recognised certification and, since 2015, has discontinued several companies unable to meet these requirements. By the end of 2022, 99.5% of raw meat suppliers were certified; among the plant-protein (non-meat ingredient) suppliers, 94.6% were certified. (IR 2022) |
Food Safety | Investment | Does the company invest in research or technology to develop consumer-facing food safety initiatives that provide traceability to the end consumer? | All | The company has developed and implemented consumer-facing technology for food safety that provides traceability to the end consumer, across all operations. | Yili has developed a technology in partnership with Baidu, allowing the end consumer to trace its products. Once consumers take a photo of a Yili pure milk package, they will be able to look at every link in Yili’s global industrial chain. (Yili Website, 2023) Vital Farms operates a consumer-facing traceability program. By entering the code from egg cartons into the company's website, consumers can view a 360-degree video of the farm where the eggs were laid. (SR, 2023) Minerva has implemented QR codes for its product brands, Estancia 92 and Minerva Angus. By scanning the image, consumers can access information regarding the origin of the animal, the type of production methods used, data on quality certifications, access to the results of sustainability audits and the characteristics of the beef cut. (Minerva Website, 2023) Mowi launched a fully digitised traceability tool which provides comprehensive tracking information "from feed to fork" easily via QR codes on every MOWI product. The tool allows consumers to learn more details about their purchases. Apart from this, the company continued the roll-out of Infor's M3 Graphical Lot Tracker (GLT), enabling traceability within the company. The company is also at a nascent stage of using blockchain to share important product information with strategic customers. (IR, 2020) |
Food Safety | Disclosure and mitigation | Did the company have any market bans or product recalls in the reporting year? What mitigation/preventative actions does the company have in place? | All | The company discloses the number of product recalls and market bans in the reporting period. Best practice companies will disclose zero instances. In the case of recall or ban events, the company provides information, including what mitigation and preventative actions were put in place. | WH Group discloses information on recalls and market bans for its Smithfield subsidiary. It provides reasons for the recall of eight products during the reporting period. One recall in the US was voluntary due to suspected metallic foreign objects. Five recalls in Poland were due to salmonella and doxycycline. Two recalls in Romania were due to an African swine fever case and a Salmonella case. After the recall incidents at Smithfield, it invested in testing equipment and optimised critical processes at relevant facilities. Special employee training on food safety and risk management was also conducted for production sites with recalls to minimise human error. The company states that all recalls were appropriately handled and did not result in any food safety incidents. Further, it confirms no market bans in the reporting year. (ESG, 2022; SR, 2022) |
Sustainability Governance | Does the board have oversight of the company’s sustainability strategy and materiality assessment? Which factors or issues has the company identified as being material? | All | The company discloses that its board of directors is formally mandated to discuss ESG issues and sustainability strategy at board meetings. It also describes a formal sustainability committee comprised of board members. In addition, the company has conducted a materiality assessment in the previous two years and describes how it performs the process, including how the board oversees it. The material issues identified through the assessment are disclosed. | China Mengniu Dairy has a board-level sustainable development committee comprised of board memebers including the president, CFO and vice presidnet. The committee is responsible for overseeing the sustainability strategies, goals and risk profile, determining the sustainability policy, and reviewing key internal ESG management data and external disclosure data. In addition, the company has conducted a materiality assessment and gives a detailed description of the materiality process. The company mentions that it has selected 28 strategic issues most helpful for achieving its ESG goals. These topics are determined based on reviews by the sustainable development committee. It identifies quality control, greenhouse gas management, and water resource management as the areas of the highest importance. WH Group states that its board is responsible for assessing, defining, and managing ESG risks and objectives for the group. In addition, it has an ESG committee comprised of executive directors and chaired by the CEO to ensure the smooth integration of ESG across the organisation. The company has conducted a materiality assessment and disclosed the identified issues. These include sustainable income growth, product quality and safety, response to climate change, occupational health and safety, and antibiotic use. The board of directors is responsible for the final review and approval of the material topics identified. | |
Sustainability Governance | Are executive monetary remunerations linked to sustainability performance metrics? | All | The company incentivises management by linking specific sustainability metrics to monetary remuneration. The percentage of variable compensation linked to the achievement of these metrics is disclosed. | Cranswick states that it links the long-term incentive of executive directors with targets related to emissions, energy intensity, and water intensity. Further, the company discloses that the Remuneration Committee awarded nil-cost share options under the existing LTIP scheme to Senior Executives, and the number of shares awarded to each executive director was equivalent to 200% of the base salary. Additionally, the company discloses that 15% of the award will be based on sustainability measures (5% each for emissions, energy intensity, and water intensity) for FY2023. Inghams links executive performance payments to financial targets and two ESG metrics concerning food safety and employee safety. These ESG metrics can affect short-term monetary incentives by up to 20%. | |
Sustainability Governance | To which industry groups/trade associations does the company belong? Does the company lobby against any policy measures that aim to improve ESG (e.g., environmental labelling, carbon tax, etc.)? | All | The company provides a comprehensive list of its memberships with trade associations, alliances and coalitions. In addition, the company discloses that it engages with public policy officials or trade and civil associations on ESG issues, including climate change, pollution antibiotics, animal welfare, working conditions, ESG disclosure regulation and alternative proteins, and discloses its stance on these issues. | Grieg works with policymakers to influence climate-related policy and law and is aligned with the principles of the Paris Agreement. It is also working with WWF US to develop a new assessment that will improve disclosure about ESG risks in the salmon feed sector. Furthermore, the company belongs to industry associations, which engage with policymakers in all the countries it operates in on the issues of climate, pollution, circularity, biodiversity, antibiotics, fish welfare, human rights and Indigenous rights. When engaging with political actors, the company adopts a stance in support of its group policies, as seen in its ESG Corporate Governance Framework. The company does not mention whether it partners or engages with policymakers or civil associations on the issue of alternative proteins. Fonterra engages with The New Zealand Veterinary Association and DairyNZ to work on animal welfare practices. In FY2022, the company joined a new collaboration with the Ruminant Greenhouse Gas Partnership. It has also partnered with the Department of Corrections to reuse waste wood from pallets to make pest trap boxes. It also mentions works to improve animal welfare practices through supporting strong biosecurity and work towards optimising animal health and welfare practices. It further states that its stance on ESG issues is consistent with the practices of the trade associations of Business New Zealand, Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI), Global Dairy Platform (GDP), and International Dairy Federation (IDF), among others. It is also an active He Waka Eke Noa member, a primary sector climate action partnership, and DairyNZ. Since 2013, the company has partnered with the New Zealand Department of Conservation on scaling solutions for freshwater. It has aligned its messaging and co-branding on prudent antibiotic use with the New Zealand Veterinary Association. It highlights its support for the Ministry for Primary Industries' antibiotics review and reassessment programme. | |
Sustainability Governance | Has the company committed to aligning its policy-engagement activities (or its sustainability policy, commitments or targets) with the goal of restricting a global temperature increase to no more than 1.5⁰C? ? | All | The company describes systems in place to ensure that all its policy-engagement activities are aligned with the goal of restricting global temperature rise to 1.5⁰C. | Mowi is comitted to conduct its policy engagement activities are aligned with the goal of restricting global temperature to 1.5⁰C and the Paris Agreement. SalMar commits to conducting its policy engagement in line with the goal of restricting global temperature to 1.5⁰C. Further, to ensure compliance with this policy, it pre-screens, evaluates the involved GHG emissions and conducts continuous follow-ups of all engagement activities. | |
Alternative Proteins | Materiality and exposure | How is the company thinking about the risk of alternative proteins to its current business model? Is this seen as a material business issue? | All | The company acknowledges protein diversification as a material business issue /risk mitigation tool and is consciously shifting its product portfolio to include more alternative proteins. Rather than being solely consumer-trend driven, this is driven by senior leadership/the board to ensure the resilience of the business in the medium-long term. | Bell Food Group, a Switzerland-based meat producer, is one of the founding members (alongside three other companies) of The Swiss Protein Association (SPA). The SPA will act as a lobbying group for the alt-protein movement in Switzerland and aims to raise awareness among politicians, industry leaders and consumers of the potential benefits of alternative protein sources for a climate-friendly and sustainable diet. (AR 2022) Maple Leaf, a Canada-based meat producer, states that climate change considerations, including emissions associated with the company’s meat protein business, may create reputational risks. It might also challenge its ability to maintain market share for its meat protein products if consumers seek lower-carbon alternatives. The company’s mitigation strategies include its expansion into the growing plant protein business. It has a wholly-owned plant-based protein subsidiary called Greenleaf Foods, which manages the acquired plant-based brands Field Roast, Grain Meat Co. and Lightlife. (IR 2022; CDP Climate 2022) Marfrig, a Brazilian beef producer, acknowledges that production in the alternative protein sector generates fewer adverse environmental impacts. In alignment with its commitment to mitigating the effects of its activities and contributing to environmental sustainability, the company has updated its Materiality Matrix to include alternative protein activities. (SR 2022) NH Foods, a Japanese meat producer, recognises that global population growth, climate change, and other factors are expected to make it increasingly difficult to supply proteins. One of its strategies to mitigate this risk and ensure the resilience of the business is to offer a more excellent choice of protein to consumers, promoting the expansion and sale of plant-derived protein products and pursuing new alternative proteins. (SR 2022) |
Alternative Proteins | Commitment and future growth | Has it considered making any investments in this space? Why or why not? If yes, how much is invested in CapEx/R&D? | All | The company has a dedicated alternative protein brand in the market and/or discloses the percentage of alternative protein products per category. Further, it is investing for future growth via investing in R&D or expanding production capacity, making venture investments in protein-related food technologies or acquisitions of alternative protein brands, or collaborating with external partner(s) on alternative proteins. The company discloses details evidencing how it is investing for future growth. | In 2020, Bell Food invested an additional EUR 5 million in the next financing round of the Dutch start-up Mosa Meat, a global leader in cultivated beef. These financial resources were used to develop and enlarge the company's production facilities. The start of the approval process to install a large-scale production facility is planned for 2023. The company's Hilcona brand operates a start-up called 'The Green Mountain', which launched a meatless burger in 2019 and now focuses on other plant-based innovations and expanding production capacity as part of further investments expected to total CHF 170 million. (AR 2022) Marfrig actively operates through its PlantPlus Foods unit, a joint venture established in 2021 with Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM). In 2022, the unit introduced four new food items that are 100% plant-based. In the same year, it acquired two plant-based protein companies - Canadian Sol Cuisine and North American Hilary's - and combined the deals cost USD 140 million. It discloses that it has made further investments to scale up its production of alternative proteins and supports academic research in this space. (SR 2022) JBS offers alternative protein products in Brazil and Europe under its 100% plant-based brand "Seara - Incrível". It entered the cultured protein market by acquiring a Spanish business, BioTech Foods, in 2021. It also intends to construct Brazil's first R&D Centre for Cultured Protein and Food Biotechnology, which will strategise how to accelerate, scale up and bring down the prices of cultured protein production to market it. It will invest USD 100 million in the two initiatives. In 2021, it acquired Vivera, Europe's third-largest plant-based producer, to strengthen its global alternative protein offering. The start-up company develops and produces a diversified portfolio of plant-based product substitutes for meat for major retailers in over 25 European countries. Tyson offers plant-based and blended products under its "Raised and Rooted" brand, launched in 2019 for the US and European markets. It is expanding its offering to the Asia Pacific market. Tyson Ventures, a USD 150 million R&D fund, mentions four venture investments in emerging protein companies on its website: Future Meat Technologies, Memphis Meats, Myco Technologies and New Wave Foods. In 2020, NH Foods released a range of meat substitute products made from soybeans under the brand "NatuMeat". Further, it discusses developing technologies that use cultivated animal cells to manufacture food. In 2019, it commenced joint research related to cultured meat with IntegriCulture Inc., a startup company engaged in cell cultivation, which NH Foods has invested in. The company's R&D centre is also taking up technological issues, such as cultivation methods and cell quality, to cultivate cells more efficiently. (SR 2022) Charoen Pokhand Foods offers a dedicated brand, "Meat Zero", and discloses it is collaborating with the leading plant-based meat companies to invent and develop the "PLANT-TEC" technology to produce alternative proteins that mimic meat. In 2022, it continued its investment in a joint venture, Well Well Invest S.A. plant-based businesses. Further, it has a project in partnership with a start-up to establish a proof-of-concept for plant-based meat and alternative protein products. The scope of collaboration has since been expanded in 2023 to allow for more opportunities to create solutions and determine the most effective technology options. (AR 2022) |
Alternative Proteins | Monitoring and performance | Has the company set a target/goal to diversify protein sources and does it report progress? | All | To track diversification, the company has set a timebound target/goal on selling alternative proteins by revenue or SKU as a percentage of company totals. It also discloses progress by reporting data on the sales or revenue generated by alternative protein products, or SKUs, as a percentage of company totals. | NH Foods has set a target to achieve 10 billion yen in plant-derived protein product sales by FY2030. It discloses its sales from plant-derived proteins in FY2021 to be 230 million yen. (NH Foods website, 2023; Materialities Progress Report, 2021) In 2022, Maple Leaf pivoted its strategy and investment thesis for the Plant Protein Group following its ambitious goal - set in 2019 - to achieve approximately USD 3 billion in sales in the Plant Protein Group by 2029 (assuming a market size of roughly USD 25 billion). The company cites that the pivot reflects current estimates of a USD 6-10 billion market by 2030. The new goal is to deliver neutral or better Adjusted EBITDA in the latter half of 2023. It continues to invest and position itself for growth in plant protein demand and improve the division's performance. For example, it expanded its tempeh production capacity by acquiring and building a 118,000-square-foot facility in Indiana, which has been fully operational since 2022. It also discloses that its plant-based protein brands continue developing market leadership by increasing organisational and operational capacity. In 2022, plant-based protein sales were USD 169.3 million compared to USD 184.1 million in 2021, representing a decrease of 8%, or 11.4%, after excluding foreign exchange impacts. Lower retail product volumes drove the sales decline. This more than offset growth in food service volumes and pricing action implemented in the third quarter of 2020 to mitigate inflation and structural cost increases. (IR, 2022; CDP Climate, 2022) |
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