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Waste & Pollution

Assessing Management & Performance on Waste & Pollution



Key Principles 


Best Practice 

Wastewater at facilities 





We assess whether a company discloses the number of incidences of non-compliance with water quality permits, standards, and regulations, understands and is managing its exposure to water quality risks in its slaughter and/or processing facilities, has identified and disclosed high-risk locations, a has set quality and volume targets at the facility level. Whether it converts animal by-products into fertiliser or biogas and discloses progress on its quality and volume targets. 

Disclosure and targets for wastewater quality and volume discharged. 

Transparency on water pollution risks. 

Performance on wastewater quality and volume discharged. 

Best Practice is awarded when a company

> understands and is managing its exposure to water quality risks in its slaughter and/or processing facilities,

> has identified and disclosed high-risk locations, 

> has set quality and volume targets at the facility level, 

> converts animal by-products into fertiliser or biogas,

> discloses progress on its quality and volume targets. 

Waste management in feed farming 





We assess whether a company understands and is managing its exposure to water quality risks faced by feed suppliers with the requirement of a nutrient management plan and discloses the percentage of feed from verified nutrient management plans. If there are supplier incentives to encourage nutrient management, partnerships with third parties on nutrient pollution. Disclosure of percentage of feed originating from a nutrient management plan and invests in sustainable feed practices. 

Supplier engagement in nutrient pollution risks.  Partnerships with third party. 

Innovation to improve nutrient management in feed farming.  Chemical pollution through pesticide use in its feed supply chain. 

Best Practice is awarded when a company understands and is managing its exposure to water quality risks faced by feed suppliers with the requirement of a nutrient management plan. Companies would also need to have implemented supplier incentives to encourage nutrient management and partnerships with third parties on nutrient pollution. It also discloses the percentage of feed originating from a nutrient management plan and invests in sustainable feed practices. In addition, companies would also provide a high-level statement about pesticide use including identifying and disclosing HHPs pesticides used in supply chains. 

Manure management in animal farming 





We assess whether a company understands and is managing its manure-related risks faced by animal farming operations/suppliers with the requirement of a nutrient management plan. If it discloses the percentage of livestock originating from a nutrient management plan, provides support and incentives to farmers, has feed innovation to reduce the quantity of nutrients in manure, invests in sustainable manure treatment and shows evidence of community engagement. 

Disclosure of pollution risks from manure. 

Supplier engagement in manure management.

Innovation to improve nutrient management in animal farming. 

Best Practice is awarded when a company understands and manages manure-related risks faced by animal farming operations/suppliers with the requirement of a nutrient management plan. The company would also need to disclose the percentage of livestock originating from a nutrient management plan. It also invests in sustainable manure treatment and shows evidence of community engagement. 

Nutrient management in aquaculture   





We assess whether a company understands and is managing its nutrient-related risks faced by animal farming operations/suppliers. We assess the approach to reducing biodiversity impacts and disclosure of nitrogen and phosphorus loading. 

Disclosure of pollution risks in animal farming operations. 

Performance on pollution management. 

Best Practice is awarded when a company understands and manages nutrient-related risks faced by animal farming operations/suppliers, discloses nitrogen and phosphorus loading, and shows evidence of community engagement. 

Waste & Pollution 2023 Changes


Summary of Change 

Waste management in feed farming 

There is a new question that assesses pesticide use in feed farming. This question was added as a request from investors, who are increasingly paying attention to pesticide use in feed farming. 

Manure management in animal farming 

There are new response options in the question that assesses innovation in manure management. 

Nutrient Management in Aquaculture 

There are new response options in the question that assesses the disclosure about sites exceeding carrying capacity of local environment. 

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