Working Conditions
Assessing Company Management and Performance on Safety, Labour and Human Rights Policies
KPI | Protein Scope | Operational Scope | Sub-KPIs and Best Practice Criteria |
Human rights | All proteins | Feed, Farm, Slaughter, Processing | Strength of policy • The company has a comprehensive policy commitment to respect all internationally recognised human rights, covering its entire operations. Due diligence process • The company describes its approach to assessing actual and potential human rights risks, and how these risks are monitored and mitigated. Evidence of remediation • The company discloses details of cases where risks were identified and provides credible evidence of remediation. |
Fair working conditions | All proteins | Feed, Farm, Slaughter, Processing | Policies for direct operations • The company has policies on key drivers of fair working conditions, including fair wages, prohibiting child labour, harassment, and discrimination, and promotes freely chosen employment. Monitoring and disclosure • The company monitors compliance with policies through audits. • The company provides a description of grievance mechanisms in place for direct and indirect operations, including how grievances are investigated. |
Safety and turnover data | All proteins | Feed, Farm, Slaughter, Processing | Committee representation of workers • The company holds a health and safety certification and discloses the percentage of facilities with a health and safety committee including worker representatives. Disclosure of safety and turnover data • The company discloses injury and fatality rates and reports improvements in metrics between reporting periods. • The company discloses turnover rates. |
Freedom of association | All proteins | Feed, Farm, Slaughter, Processing | Strength of policies • The company provides a statement on the right to freedom of association and describes measures taken to support these rights, covering direct and indirect operations. Disclosure of collective bargaining metrics • The company discloses the distribution of work across existing contractual arrangements and the percentage covered by collective bargaining agreements. |
Note: There were no changes between the 2023 and 2024 iterations of the methodology.
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