Member AUM
$70 trillion

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the materiality of working conditions in the meat-producing sector, including the urgent need to improve labour standards and corporate practices among animal protein producers to help mitigate labour risk. This is particularly relevant in the face of broader industry trends that pose serious human capital challenges, such as the transition to a green economy.

The FAIRR Initiative and PIRC, therefore, invite you to a webinar where we will explore the link between environmental and labour issues in the industrial meat sector. We will also look at how labour risk can be more effectively addressed by companies and their investors via worker-centric solutions.

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  • Rachit Gupta, Senior Corporate Governance Analyst, Aviva

  • Cristina Figaredo Research & Engagement Manager, FAIRR Initiative

  • Alice Martin, Labour Specialist, PIRC

  • Additional guest TBC

Call to Action:

Investors are encouraged to address labour issues in food supply chains before they evolve into material risks.

This webinar will offer concrete engagement opportunities for investors, such as engagement tools and research from AVIVA, PIRC and the FAIRR Initiative.

Key Information
Date: 28 January 2021
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Location: Online