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$75 trillion

Appetite for Disruption: A Second Serving

Today’s crisis does not only highlight the inherent weaknesses of the global protein value chain; it also challenges consumers to rethink how and what they eat, prompting a surge in demand for plant-based products.

Protein diversification has since become an important growth driver, as well as a strategy whereby companies can mitigate climate risk. To help investors understand the material risks and opportunities in the animal protein industry, the FAIRR Initiative is delighted to be launching its latest report on the sustainable proteins engagement, Appetite for Disruption: A Second Serving.

Join us to learn more about what the 25 global companies in our engagement are doing to diversify their product portfolio and address climate risk. We will also be unveiling the new Sustainable Proteins Hub, which is an interactive microsite that allows investors to compare companies and visualise the results of our research.

**A recording of this webinar is now available to our members via the Resource Library in the Sustainable Proteins Hub.**

Key Information
Date: 29 July 2020
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Location: London, United Kingdom