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This panel is part of OpenAg Symposium 2022, hosted by the Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development (OICSD) and UPL. The event is aimed at carrying forward the conversation on the future of food and agriculture in a changing climate by exploring the role of agriculture in decarbonisation strategies on the path to net zero emissions.

The FAIRR Initiative’s Policy Director, Dr Helena Wright, will be part of a panel What are the opportunities and challenges for financing the transition to Net Zero agriculture?, which will address the business case for Net Zero agriculture, examining the best possible ways to support agriculture’s transition towards positive climate action. The panellists will examine the changing role of agribusinesses, as well as banks and financial institutions, in the climate debate, all while keeping stakeholder interests of farmers, consumers and the environment into consideration.

Other speakers include:

  • Paul Brereton, Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast;

  • Suzanne van Tilburg, Global Head (Food & Agri Networks), Rabobank;

  • Sami Khan, Director (Coverage & Strategy) Food and Agriculture, BII.

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Key Information
Date: 27 June 2022
Time: 13:30 - 14:30
Location: Online