Key Information
Market Cap:
Primary Markets:
North America, LATAM, Asia, Europe & Russia
Protein Diversification Engagement
Analysis Overview
Climate Strategy - Integration of Protein Diversification Climate Strategy - Governance and Influence Climate Strategy - Adoption of Just Transition Product Portfolio - Resource Allocation Consumer Education - Consistency of Marketing Strategies
Analysis Breakdown
Climate Strategy - Integration of Protein Diversification
Quantify Potential/Opportunity
TCFD-aligned scenario analysis
Unilever has conducted a climate scenario analysis that considers physical and transition risks in alignment with the TCFD recommendations. Using a 1.5°C scenario analysis, it has identified 40 risk and opportunity areas, including animal agriculture and protein diversification. One opportunity identified is the growth of alternative protein sources, driven by increasing environmental consciousness and regulatory changes. Also, the company is capitalising on this opportunity by offering a range of vegan and vegetarian products in its ice cream, mayonnaise and bouillon & soups section.
Reporting of Scope 3 emissions from animal agriculture
The company discloses its emissions from forest land and agriculture. Also, it discloses that 42% of its ice cream lifecycle emissions come from dairy. However, it does not provide disclosure for other animal proteins, such as poultry and beef.
1.5C aligned SBTi Scope 3 FLAG target
The company set a target to reduce absolute Scope 3 FLAG GHG emissions from purchased goods and services (associated with ingredients) by 30.3% by 2030, from a 2021 baseline. This target was submitted to the SBTi for validation as being aligned with the 1.5°C target in November 2023.
Quantifying the opportunity of protein diversification
The company has calculated the financial opportunity presented by protein diversification, with potential profits of €0.5 billion by 2030 and €1.7 billion by 2039.
Protein Diversification Strategy
Integrating protein diversification into climate transition plans
The company has integrated protein diversification into its climate transition strategy. As part of the Future Foods initiative, Unilever aims to achieve €1.5 billion in annual sales from plant-based products by 2025. In its ice cream business division, the goal is to derive 20% of sales from non-dairy sources by 2030.
Protein diversification target is timebound
Unilever aims to achieve €1.5 billion in annual sales from plant-based products by 2025 and to derive 20% of sales from non-dairy sources by 2030. Both of these protein diversification targets are time-bound.
Business coverage of protein diversification target
Unilever operates two distinct food business divisions: nutrition and ice cream. The company aims to achieve an annual sales target of €1.5 billion from plant-based products by 2025, a goal that encompasses both divisions.
Alignment of target with climate and health guidelines
There is no evidence that these targets are aligned with recognised climate and health guidelines for dietary transition.
No Evidence
Measuring Progress
Disclosing progress against protein diversification target
Unilever discloses consistent sales of €1.2 billion in both 2022 and 2023.
Annual reporting of progress of protein diversification target
The company reports annually on progress towards its protein diversification target.
Climate Strategy - Governance and Influence
Board Oversight
Board support for protein diversification
The company's board supervises climate-related issues and strategies, which includes overseeing the company's Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP). This plan encompasses the strategy and progress for diversifying protein sources.
Climate expertise of board
The company discloses that its multiple board members have expertise in sustainability. Also, it discloses that one of its board members has expertise in climate.
Nutrition/health expertise of board
It is unclear whether the company's board members have technical expertise in nutrition and/or health.
No Evidence
Disclosing a list of direct lobbying actions
Unilever offers a comprehensive insight into its lobbying activities, both direct and indirect. The company actively engages policymakers and regulators across a diverse spectrum of topics. Notably, these topics include climate change, nutrition, product safety standards, fortification, and the labelling of plant-based products.
Direct lobbying in line with climate and nutrition
Unilever states that it advocates and lobbies for policies that are aligned with the Paris Agreement. However, it is unclear whether they are aligned with positive health and nutrition outcomes.
Disclosing a list of indirect lobbying actions
The company discloses a list of the main industry associations it comprises and geographies covered.
Indirect lobbying in line with climate and nutrition
The company has conducted a review of its industry associations' climate policy engagements, finding that 18 are aligned with Unilever's climate position (1.5C scenario). However, eight show misalignments. Unilever underscores the necessity for associations to align their policies with scientific climate objectives, advocating for proactive engagement to discover viable policy alternatives that curtail emissions.
Climate Strategy - Adoption of Just Transition
Just Transition Commitments
Public commitment to Just Transition principles
Unilever has publicly committed to the principles of a Just Transition in the agriculture sector.
Commitment to support workers
The company offered comprehensive information about its dedication to assisting farmers within its supply chain as they shift towards regenerative farming methods. However, there was no evidence found relating to the company's support for its employees during the Just Transition.
No Evidence
Commitment to support stakeholders
Unilever offers a range of tools and programs to support its suppliers in adopting sustainable sourcing practices. This includes: the Cool Farm Tool for measuring and reducing agricultural carbon footprints; Sustainable Dairy Commitment Programs such as the Unilever SAC and RAPs for guidance on livestock farming and animal welfare; and Livestock Implementation Guides developed with external partners. Additionally, Unilever's Caring Dairy Initiative encourages regenerative farming practices, rewarding farmers based on their performance levels in areas like soil health, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity.
Just Transition Strategy
Public Just Transition strategy
The company discusses its approach to regenerative farming practices. However, it has not developed a Just Transition strategy that covers animal agriculture.
No Evidence
Consulting social actors in Just Transition strategy development
There is no evidence for this KPI.
No Evidence
Just Transition KPI
Disclosing Just Transition KPIs
There is no evidence for this KPI.
No Evidence
Reporting against Just Transition KPIs annually
There is no evidence for this KPI.
No Evidence
Product Portfolio - Resource Allocation
Portfolio Diversification
Dedicating resources to expanding alternative protein offering
Unilever is expanding its plant-based offerings in both its nutrition and ice cream segments. Within the ice cream segment, it is introducing non-dairy options, including ice lollies and plant-based ice-cream. Additionally, through partnerships with Burger King and Domino's, its Vegetarian Butcher brand has experienced significant growth, launching innovative products such as NoBacon 2.0.
Annual evidence of resource allocation
The company does not disclose quantitative data.
No Evidence
Improving Nutrition and Sustainability Attributes
Dedicating resources to improve the nutrition and sustainability of products
Unilever is allocating resources to enhance the nutritional quality and environmental sustainability of its alternative protein offerings. The company's innovation hubs are dedicated to refining attributes such as flavor, texture, nutritional content, and eco-friendliness. Unilever has formed partnerships with ENOUGH and Algenuity to explore innovative protein sources for plant-based meat products. They are researching mushroom-based protein with significantly lower environmental impact and microalgae that is nutritious and palatable. Unilever is part of consortia like Plant Meat Matters and PlantPROMISE, focusing on meat alternatives' structure, nutritional value, and consumer acceptance.
Reformulating products to improve nutrition
Unilever discloses its nutrition criteria, which it applies to plant-based product development. Within its ice cream business, the company ensures that its plant-based offerings align with their commitments to sugar and calorie content.
Reformulating products to improve sustainability
In previous years, the company has provided evidence of reformulation to improve the sustainability of its ice cream products, such as in Sweden, it reduced carbon emissions by 37% by switching to pea protein alternatives. The company encourages consumers to reduce their meat consumption through its product innovations under its brand Knorr.
Consumer Education - Consistency of Marketing Strategies
Commitment Across Geographies/Brands
Commitment to marketing alternative protein sources
There is no evidence for this KPI.
No Evidence
Business coverage of marketing commitment
There is no evidence for this KPI.
No Evidence
Nutrition and Sustainabilty
Promoting the nutritional attributes of alternative protein sources
The company promotes the nutritional benefits of its products through 'Smart Labels' which can be accessed by the consumers by scanning a QR code on the product label. However, it is unclear how the company promotes the nutritional attributes of plant-based products.
No Evidence
Promoting the sustainability attributes of alternative protein sources
Through its brand Knorr, the company runs its 'cheat on meat' campaign which encourages consumers to opt for more plant-based options. However, the company does not provide clear evidence promoting the sustainability attributes of its alternative protein sources across all brands and its largest markets.
No Evidence
Consumer Research
Conducting consumer research on alternative protein sources
In 2023, the company published its blog titled "Five Trends That Will Take Plant-Based Eating Mainstream." The blog utilised third-party research and Unilever's internal expertise to identify areas to engage consumers on the need for increased uptake of plant-based products. These areas include prioritising convenience, communicating climate benefits, introducing innovative products, and expanding out-of-home options.
Conducting consumer research on healthy diets
The company provides examples of how it is using consumer insights related to convenience and climate to inform its merchandising strategy for plant-based products. For instance, they offer plant-based recipes on Knorr product packs and utilise TikTok to encourage younger consumers to incorporate more vegetables into their diets. Additionally, The Vegetarian Butcher brand has developed an "impact calculator" that allows consumers to calculate their own positive impact when they choose plant-based options over animal meat.
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Last Updated:
8 July 2024
2024 Resources
Phase 2 | Investor Briefing Protein Diversification Phase 1 Progress Report Protein Diversification Engagement