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Nature Data for Institutional Investors

Ratings, Tech & Tools for Greening Asset Owners & Managers' Portfolios
ESG Investor Sponsors Banner 2023

Nature Data for Institutional Investors is a half-day event that presents a unique opportunity for institutional investors to discuss how to bridge data and resource gaps and use the TNFD framework to better manage nature risks, impacts and dependencies.

Max Boucher, Senior Manager, Biodiversity & Oceans at the FAIRR Initiative, will take part in the third panel of the day, Water Stress: Using Data for a Dive into the Deep.

This session focuses on some of the key ways in which investors can track and influence their impacts on SDGs 6 and 14, both positive and negative. Company disclosures and investor engagements on water-related risks have increased over the past five years, while policy measures are beginning to broaden and deepen in scope. But risks, impacts and dependencies can still lurk unexpectedly within portfolios. This session helps investors identify and quantify risks but also opportunities while guarding against bluewashing. Topics to include: 

  • Identifying investors’ water risks and impacts across sectors and geographies

  • How to place company-level data within location-specific context

  • Data needed to support company and policy engagement on water risk

  • The Blue Economy: measuring and monitoring positive and negative impacts

Other speakers include:

  • Sue Armstrong-Brown, Global Director, Environmental Standards and Thought Leadership, CDP

  • John Willis, Director of Research, Planet Tracker

  • Andrew Hodge, CEO, Aquascope

Key Information
Date: 2 November 2023
Time: 12:30 - 19:00 GMT (UTC+0)
Location: London