Member AUM
$75 trillion
Report Background

From Farms to Forks: Antibiotic Stewardship in the Animal Pharmaceutical and Quick Service Restaurant Sectors

Progress Report May 2024

Report Overview

With two-thirds of antibiotics being sold for use in animal agriculture, reducing the misuse and overuse of antibiotics within the livestock sector is an increasingly important area of focus for addressing AMR. FAIRR has facilitated two collaborative engagements focused on key sectors within the animal protein value chain that have the potential to reduce farm-level antibiotic use: Animal Pharmaceuticals (AP) and Quick Service Restaurants (QSR).  

The Animal Pharmaceutical engagement, now in its second year, examined seven of the largest publicly listed animal pharmaceutical companies. The report highlights the progress made since 2022 and key areas where disclosure could be improved.

The Restaurant Antibiotic engagement focuses on 12 of the largest North American QSR companies. The report analyses the ambition level, protein coverage, and geographical coverage of current policies and calls attention to gaps in disclosures and policies across six key animal proteins. 

For both engagements, the report highlights company-specific practices and emphasizes key areas where increased transparency is required for investors to understand how the selected companies are taking action to address the risk of AMR.   

Report Highlights

The findings of this report can help investors: 

  • Understand how AMR is a material risk to diversified portfolios

  • Compare and contrast disclosures of the seven Animal Pharmaceutical engagement companies across five detailed engagement pillars

  • View the progress made since the first phase of the Animal Pharmaceutical engagement

  • Understand key areas where improved disclosure is still needed amongst the seven Animal Pharmaceutical companies 

  • Compare and contrast disclosures of the 12 Restaurant Antibiotic engagement companies across five detailed engagement pillars. 

  • Understand the current policy coverage, ambition levels, and degree of implementation for all of the 12 companies’ key animal proteins 

  • Understand key areas for improved disclosure across the 12 Restaurant Antibiotic engagement companies 

  • Understand appropriate next steps for engagement companies