Member AUM
$70 trillion
Report Background

Feeding Resistance

How animal pharmaceuticals are driving the next global public health crisis

Report Overview

Today, 70% of global antimicrobials are fed to intensively farmed livestock, accelerating the risk of widespread antimicrobial resistance. Our latest research, Feeding Resistance, explores the role of animal pharmaceuticals in driving AMR, and how investors can engage the sector to drive better stewardship.

Report Highlights

Reading this report will provide the following learning outcomes:

Antibiotics use in the supply chain

An overview of practices within the animal pharma industry across the supply chain that are contributing to the growing risk of AMR, as well as the actions being taken to try and mitigate them.

Animal pharma stewardship

A detailed framework for assessing stewardship activities in animal health companies, as well as FAIRR analysis of ten of the largest publicly listed animal pharma companies making up 40% of the total market.

AMR risk exposure

Potential engagement questions for investors engaging companies on the issue of AMR and examples of best practices from leading animal pharma companies.

Investor Checklist

Read our checklist of essential questions for investors to ask when beginning to assess the AMR risk amongst animal health companies.

  • Does the company publicly acknowledge current external market pressures facing antibiotics, and the potential impact that these could have on company revenue?

  • Does the company recognise its role in addressing AMR?

  • Does the company adopt a One Health approach to antimicrobial stewardship, which is consistent across the business segments and geographies?

  • Does the company have environmental risk management strategies in relation to wastewater and other effluents from antimicrobial manufacturing?

  • Does the company have policies and practices in place that address the labelling and packaging of antibiotics and seek to reduce overuse and misuse?

  • What percentage of R&D spend is dedicated to developing alternatives to antibiotics?

  • Does the company disclose sales data for antimicrobials, including a breakdown by categorisation (i.e., HP-CIAs, MIAs, veterinary-only antibiotics, ionophores and other antimicrobials)?


Summary Report

Summary Report

Full Report



Why is FAIRR charging for this report?

The report, Feeding Resistance, analyses the role of pharmaceutical companies in driving the use of antibiotics in livestock farming systems. We recognise that this sectoral analysis will have broad institutional investor appeal and thus, we have opened distribution to a wider investor audience for a fee. The report is available to Investor Members of the FAIRR Initiative at no cost. Non-members may sign up to the FAIRR network to receive the full benefits of membership, including free access to the report.

How has FAIRR financially supported previous research?

The FAIRR Initiative has been fully funded by the Jeremy Coller Foundation since its inception in December 2015.

How will the revenue from this report be used?

The FAIRR Initiative is part of the Jeremy Coller Foundation, which is a registered charity (no. 1163970) in England and Wales. All proceeds generated from the sale of the report will be reattributed to funding further research on the risks of antibiotic overuse in the animal agriculture sector.

Will other reports be behind a paywall?

Reports and other research tools will continue to be available to our Investor Members free of charge. The Executive Summary reports will be available at no cost.

Who can access the report?

Investor Members can access the report for free once they have logged in to their profile. Institutional Investors that are not yet members of the FAIRR Initiative can download the summary report or sign up today.

How can I become a member?

The FAIRR Initiative is a free-to-join collaborative institutional investor network that provides expert research, data and practical tools for investors to support investors in mitigating risks and identifying opportunities in the global protein supply chain. Currently, FAIRR Membership is only open to institutional investors. Become an Investor Member of the FAIRR network. To learn more about our work and the benefits of membership please contact Sofia Condes.